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Slayer Form?

Hello. I just finished Spellhold and though I dreamt about being a Slayer, I did not get the ability afterwards. I googled a bit (it's been years since I've played BG II) and found out I was supposed to get another sleep sequence between my first transformation with Bodhi and the dream when I was supposed to transform spontaneously and attack my companions (followed by a dialogue with the romances character) which I never got.

(If it's relevant, after meeting with Bodhi I did not sleep at all till after the fight with Irenicus and then I got instantly the dream with the Slayer. Right now I'm back in Brynnlaw and tried to induce the transformation scene by sleeping not only in the inn, but randomly outside as well, but nothing happens.)

Does anyone know if it's definitely a bug (and I should replay the Spellhold dungeon, since it is the last save I have from before) or if there is any chance to get the "transformed during sleep" scene later? Also is the dialogue after transformation necessary for the romance to continue?

Thank you for replies in advance.



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    are you running any mods? someone else recently had this problem and it seemed that a mod was causing this problem

    if you are playing on PC or have access to EE keeper you can give your character the innate ability of;

    Slayer Change ( spin822 )

    which gives you the proper slayer form
  • FlowerpotFlowerpot Member Posts: 4
    Thanks! Yes, I do, Unfinished Business and Quest Pack, so possibly some of it.

    Just to make sure, the dialogue with the romanced character does not count as love talk, if I understand correctly, so the absence of the scene does not impede the romance?
  • FlowerpotFlowerpot Member Posts: 4
    (Or, if I am not being a pain, is there a console command that would trigget the "middle" scene (i.e. where one attacks the party members) with all the dialogues entailed?)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Flowerpot wrote: »
    Thanks! Yes, I do, Unfinished Business and Quest Pack, so possibly some of it.

    Just to make sure, the dialogue with the romanced character does not count as love talk, if I understand correctly, so the absence of the scene does not impede the romance?

    to get the romanced character to say their "what was that" line, you have to be deep into the romance for them to say that, if you are having a romance and they didn't say that, then you are either not deep enough into it yet, or one of your mods is messing it up
    Flowerpot wrote: »
    (Or, if I am not being a pain, is there a console command that would trigget the "middle" scene (i.e. where one attacks the party members) with all the dialogues entailed?)

    hookay, there is a way to do it without EE keeper ( which in theory is kind of easier, but console will do )

    First, find out where your current area is ( by pressing the X button on the keyboard it will tell you, for example; AR1601 or something like that )

    next make sure your party AI is off

    then put in this command;


    hit enter and then talk to imoen and imoen only, and it will make you go through the scene

    once the dialogue is over, you will no doubt still be in candlekeep but you will have your slayer form, so you will need to use the above cheat to go back to the other you teleported from

    so if you were in AR1601 previously then you would input;

  • FlowerpotFlowerpot Member Posts: 4
    Again, thank you very much for the help, both ways worked for me. Just to elucidate, I think I am deep enough into the romance (I have JaheiraRomanceActive on 2, I checked), I was just making sure, since the whole scene where the "what was that" dialogue is happening did not trigger for me, so a) if it was not going to be a problem for the romance to continue, which I think it will not and b) if there is not some easy way to trigger the whole scene, but it is just a detail, you have been plenty of help already. :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    well the thing with the jaheira romance is that its connected with her harper quest stuff as well, eventually i believe the romance stops at love talk 20 something er rather until you go to rest outside and then get ambushed by some thugs or whatever, and you have to save her to keep the romance going

    to be honest, at this point triggering the whole scene would not be necessary, and also you will get another "casting" of your slayer form, ironically if you just stay in area AR0014 and keep talking to imoen, she will just say; Five! and then you will just keep getting more castings of the slayer form


    so technically you can warp to are AR0013, and you will have to walk down and talk to imoen, and then she starts the whole "slayer" scene, but the problem is, since non of your team mates are on the ground, the game just sits there for a few seconds ( like 10 or so ) and then you warp to the area with sarevok, bodhi, irenicus and imoen and it continues on, but once you get your slayer form you are still stuck in area AR0014

    so i guess if you have a save game before the one you have now with the slayer form you could try going to the area where you fought irenicus, ( although it probably doesnt matter ) and then warp to area AR0013, talk to imoen, and have a mostly intact cutscene and then if you get stuck in candlekeep still just warp back to whatever area you were previously in
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I have run into this before as well, but I run a heavily modded game with multiple NPCs, quests, UB, SCS, etc., so my experience isn't really valid.

    However, the last two games have left my PC not having any forced slayer changes until, ironically, the moment the party faces Irenicus in the tree. Even then, the PC doesn't actually change into the slayer - only the dialog triggers. It's quite odd, but not game breaking, so I haven't pursued it.
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