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Should I have met Elminster before?

Madcat6204Madcat6204 Member Posts: 8
After completing the Nashkel mines and then going through a Gnoll fortress to rescue Minsc's friend, I headed up to Beregost because my Journal said I should. There, I ran into Elminster (even I know who that is) who acted like we'd talked before. And my character even said that we'd talked before. The problem is... we never talked before. This is the first time I've seen Elminster in this game. Was he hiding in some map I didn't fully explore? Because, I'll be honest, I haven't fully explored a lot of these places, due to my party having mostly been made up of level 1 characters who died when an enemy so much as sneezed at them.

I get the feeling these talks with Elminster are supposed to be plot related, so I don't think it's really a good thing if I can miss one like this, yet still have the game act as if I didn't. Now I'm missing information, and I'm not sure it's even possible to have the conversation I missed... wherever it was supposed to happen.


  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2012
    If you head west after Gorion dies following the road, Elminster runs into you immediately upon screen transition. Whoa there wanderer!
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    edited November 2012
    He does appear earlier than that. In original BG he will meet you on your route to the Friendly arm in.

    I think you just went around the area that he was in.

    The problem is.. he appears in a particular place, he isn't just generated in front of you at a certain time in the narrative; so he doesn't find you, you find him. If he's going to talk to you like you've already met, then obviously that's a (minor) problem.

    Don't worry though, really isn't significant.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Vonbek777 said:

    If you head west after Gorion dies following the road, Elminster runs into you immediately upon screen transition. Whoa there wanderer!

    East, not west. ;)
  • Vonbek777Vonbek777 Member Posts: 135
    Thank you, I'm severely left handed, my east is always west, and west east. I also go through out doors because I'm leaving the parking lot, but that is a different matter. ;)
  • Madcat6204Madcat6204 Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2012
    Vonbek777 said:

    If you head west after Gorion dies following the road, Elminster runs into you immediately upon screen transition. Whoa there wanderer!

    I stuck to the road in that area. He never showed up on it, and if he's off it... well... it seems a bit odd that I'd be expected to run into him when I was kind of busy trying to get to the inn to meet up with Gorion's friends so I wouldn't die the instant an enemy showed up.

    EDIT:...Maybe I did meet him and just forgot. I reloaded my earlier saves and did run into an "Old Man" in that area. Not sure how I'm supposed to have been able to tell that that, and the guy specifically labled "Elminster" who shows up later are the same person...

    Nevermind then. This game confuses me a bit. Too much to keep track of.
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @Madcat6204 He has the same greeting every time I think. Also he's the only character in the game dressed like Gandalf at a Pimps and Hoes fancy dress.
  • sugachild87sugachild87 Member Posts: 5
    Indeed, its the old man.
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