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Trials in Hell-Lawful Evil Monk

Hello everyone, I would like to play with a Dark Moon Monk, his alignment is lawful evil of course, so I would like to ask you, if an evil alignment character, after the trials in hell for bhaals tears, change his alignment from evil to neutral or to good.
Thank you in advance.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,899
    There will be no change. The alignment effects of the hell trials:
    - If you make the good choices in every trial, nothing changes. You're still the same as you were.
    - If you make one or more evil choices, you become evil. If you were already evil, that's no change. If you weren't, you stay in the same place on the lawful/chaotic axis and move to evil on the good/evil axis.
    - If you were a ranger or a non-blackguard paladin and you make one or more evil choices, you fall as well as changing alignment.

    As a character who's already evil, you're then free to make whatever choices are more advantageous with no extra consequences. You'll probably want a mix of good and evil choices.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,457
    edited December 2020
    Daechir wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I would like to play with a Dark Moon Monk, his alignment is lawful evil of course, so I would like to ask you, if an evil alignment character, after the trials in hell for bhaals tears, change his alignment from evil to neutral or to good.
    Thank you in advance.

    Even if your alignment did change, that only has a significant impact on the game in relation to rangers and paladins. 'Illegal' alignments for other characters (such as an evil alignment for a sun soul monk) have no effect - though you may of course dislike the idea for RP reasons.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,899
    There are some minor impacts from alignment. Alignment-specific gear matters for some characters, like the axe Azuredge for good or the sword Soul Reaver for neutral and evil. On a monk, nothing you really want is restricted that way.

    Also, the first pocket plane challenge, right after the start of ToB, varies based on alignment. It's a gauntlet of enemies either way, but you face evil enemies if you're neutral or good with a decent reputation, and good enemies if you're evil or have a terrible reputation.

    There's some variation in the later challenges - or at least the second - but that depends on dialogue choices when you have a chat with the solar, not any permanent feature of the character.
  • DaechirDaechir Member Posts: 13
    Thank you all for your answers, really helpful.
    Take care.
  • SelerelSelerel Member Posts: 172
    Yeah my Avenger Druid went to Neutral Evil after the trials. I think mainly because I took the Nymph skin cloak. Did not lose any druid abilities, even though they are alignment-restricted in their own way.

    Honestly it made more sense from an RP standpoint....that guy wasn't afraid to be murderous and use evil means in the fight for "balance"
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,093
    I've never played an evil party, but I assumed that the hell trials worked both ways. That it doesn't by default feels like an absurd oversight to me.

    Apparently there is a mod that corrects this, so that your choices affect the outcome regardless of your initial alignment.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    Maurvir wrote: »
    I've never played an evil party, but I assumed that the hell trials worked both ways. That it doesn't by default feels like an absurd oversight to me.

    It is not an oversight. You will have to understand that good and evil work in different ways and follow a different logic; this is where the phrase "straight and narrow path" comes from. It is very easy to change from good to evil but very difficult to make the change in the opposite direction.

    Think about it like this. You have a friend that you have trusted for years. Would you agree that if he seriously betrays you once, only once, you stop trusting in him? And then, think that there's another person who has been consistently nasty and untrustworthy for years and years. If he does four good deeds, does that completely overturn the way you regard him?

    I don't know you, of course, but I would guess that your answers to these questions are "Yes" and "No". They will be pretty much everybody's answers, because of the logic of good and evil.

    I suppose a genuine change from evil to good is slightly too complicated to implement into the BG2 Hell Trials.
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