Trying to mod hotbar icons on android, please help.
hey guys. alright, so what's happening is i have downloaded and installed Reborn UI and i'm really digging it. However, the icons for things such as inventory, character sheet, map, etc.., don't change with the mod. Only the rest icon, the spell book and attack nearest actually change to the modded icons. I'm thinking it's simply a filename issue, and I have to figure out what to name the .tga files in the ovr folder to actually take hold and change those remaining icons. Can someone help here?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!
ir_xxx icons are _radial_ icons. In this case, presumably, the inventory open action you can do on henchmen.
The party/sidebar icons should be:
pb_but_ ( char, chat, inv, jour, map, opts, pvp, rest, save, spell ) . tga
Also, some tga would be compressed to .dds, so if any dds textures are in the data files, they would be preferred. You can compress to dds with e.g. nwncrunch:
Hope that helps a bit.
These icons live in keybif: nwn_base.key/aurora_gui.bif and are new (except the three you already see), so it's not surprising they aren't overridden.
Did you solve this issue ? I have the same