Initial Impressions Single vs. Multiplayer

Already mention some weird bugs with multiplayer in other threads, briefly the wife and I experienced some glitches last night. Some slowdown, weird issues where it looked like the other player was attacking an npc after dialog, guard attacking one player on one screen, but not the other, and creatures suddenly appearing next to you attacking when you thought they were a good 20 ft some lag issues...not a very enjoyable experience.
Played a single player game this morning, and it is very enjoyable. Just left the Friendly Arm Inn and headed south. No bugs encountered or slow downs at all. Very smooth. I don't really like the zoom in feature, don't see me using it very much. Tiny avatars are a bit hard on the eyes, but you adjust rapidly, and seeing the battlefield enlarged is more enjoyable. Don't really have an opinion on the new color scheme of the gui, doesn't really make an impression one way or the other and so far doesn't take me out of the game. Some weird things happening with ammo stacking, but not game breaking so far. Cautiously optimistic, hope multiplayer gets streamlined, but no reservations so far with single player. Fingers crossed!
Played a single player game this morning, and it is very enjoyable. Just left the Friendly Arm Inn and headed south. No bugs encountered or slow downs at all. Very smooth. I don't really like the zoom in feature, don't see me using it very much. Tiny avatars are a bit hard on the eyes, but you adjust rapidly, and seeing the battlefield enlarged is more enjoyable. Don't really have an opinion on the new color scheme of the gui, doesn't really make an impression one way or the other and so far doesn't take me out of the game. Some weird things happening with ammo stacking, but not game breaking so far. Cautiously optimistic, hope multiplayer gets streamlined, but no reservations so far with single player. Fingers crossed!