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[mod] Portraits from IWD2

inethineth Member Posts: 749
edited January 2021 in IWD:EE Mods

Icewind Dale II comes with the same 59 portraits that are included in Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition, plus 24 extra ones.
This portrait pack consists of these 24 extra portraits, remastered to the resolution and aspect ratio required by IWD:EE.

See the included readme file for installation instructions.

Direct link:
Alternatively, get it from the github page or from my Yandex drive.

Post edited by ineth on


  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2021

    hwpv97t.jpg ZvqchW9.jpg Bsz6FbZ.jpg gSzJ2i2.jpg 4u6a6Tf.jpg iHRmi3U.jpg kZjE5kD.jpg lvMZrFE.jpg tqq2LvB.jpg EjrjmC2.jpg
    qFAFkYt.jpg 2MHUM2 – "Male Human 2" by Justin Sweet
    IFoG9J8.jpg 2MHUM3 – "Male Human 3" by Justin Sweet
    1CQNSpH.jpg 2MHUM4 – "Male Human 4" by Justin Sweet
    whikPwr.jpg 2MHUM5 – "Male Human 5"
    GLdRqXC.jpg 2MHUM6 – "Male Human 6"
    mA7GpgQ.jpg 2MHUM7 – "Male Human 7" by Justin Sweet
    kzqo7AE.jpg 2MPAL1 – "Male Paladin 1" by Justin Sweet
    Q6k9M6U.jpg 2FHUM1 – "Female Human 1" by Justin Sweet
    9UIIjcq.jpg 2FHUM2 – "Female Human 2" by Justin Sweet
    xefIwmo.jpg 2FHUM3 – "Female Human 3" by Justin Sweet

    qSU3vIk.jpg 2MAAS1 – "Male Aasimar 1"


    SDtMpeO.jpg 2FTIF1 – "Female Tiefling 1"

    EZqgGvY.jpg pfwhhKo.jpg CyFylb7.jpg akGTA6v.jpg
    DbTv1aR.jpg 2MELF1 – "Male Elf 1"
    k3yIccQ.jpg 2FELF1 – "Female Elf 1"
    X6iYZ4J.jpg 2FELF2 – "Female Elf 2" by Justin Sweet
    Q7eUzHV.jpg 2FELF3 – "Female Elf 3" by Justin Sweet

    LTHlFD4.jpg C73hDsg.jpg FG5wPwI.jpg
    8M5r5I6.jpg 2MDEF1 – "Male Dark Elf 1" by Justin Sweet
    zfBvbMc.jpg 2MDEF2 – "Male Dark Elf 2" by Justin Sweet
    mo7T3De.jpg 2FDEF1 – "Female Dark Elf 1" by Justin Sweet

    HqRnodX.jpg G1WpuSp.jpg
    nD8Tq54.jpg 2MDWF1 – "Male Dwarf 1" by Justin Sweet
    6ysBquZ.jpg 2MDWF2 – "Male Dwarf 2" by Justin Sweet

    qYbvkQH.jpg prCPGBS.jpg
    pYUfux0.jpg 2MGNM1 – "Male Gnome 1" by Justin Sweet
    5osGdMX.jpg 2FGNM1 – "Female Gnome 1"

    9xkZiA5.jpg 2MHAF1 – "Male Halfling 1"
    Post edited by ineth on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2021
    As I mentioned in the mod description, I had to "remaster" these IWD2 portraits in order to make them suitable for IWD:EE. First and foremost, this meant bringing them to a higher image resolution.

    For some of the portraits, I found the original source art from which they were made (see here). This let me recreate them by cropping the source art in the same way, and if necessary applying the same brightness/contrast/gamme adjustments, as was done to create the original portrait - but without the downscaling.

    For other portraits, I could find no original source art – so I had to rely on upscaling the low-resolution images that come with the IWD2 game. Since conventional upscaling algorithms cause blurriness, graininess, and other ugly image artifacts, I used AI-based upscaling services (,

    Here is an example of a portraits at the resolution at which it is stored in the IWD2 game files, followed by the larger resolution I achived via upscaling:

    As you can see, the result of the AI-based upscaling look pretty good. However, it should be noted that it probably differs in small ways from the (lost) original source art, because the AI essentially just "guesses" the details.

    In addition, the side-bar portraits also use a different aspect ratio in the two games. Here an example of how it looks in IWD2 vs. how it looks in IWD:EE with this portrait pack:

    All this means that my portrait pack cannot claim 100% authenticity in representing the "official" IWD2 portraits. However, it's my best effort at turning the IWD2 portraits into IWD:EE portraits.

    Let me know what you think.

    Post edited by ineth on
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @ineth are your IWDEE portrait mods compatible with patch 2.6.6? I've been thinking to give IWDEE a shot with all those lovely NPC mods that have been released lately and here I stumbled by your great portrait mods.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Yes, this is compatible with 2.6 as-is.
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