What happened to shadow weave / Shadow magic in general during AND AFTER the spellplague?

in Off-Topic
1d4chan wrote:In the Forgotten Realms, the Goddess of Darkness Shar created shadow magic through her own dark mirror of the Weave, as part of a plan to usurp the power of her hated foe Mystra. This wasn't a new class, but a feat found in the main campaign setting book. In exchange for being unable to cast spells with the light descriptor, and a -2 penalty to CL and save dcs for to evocation and transmustation spells, they get an equal bonus on enchantment, illusion and necromancy. (...) advantage that you are not effected by dead magic or wild magic areas, which is big. source
Shar and Mystra NEVER get along one with another and the idea of depending upon Mystra work to use magic is awful for Shar which hates Mystra with passion since eons ago. The weave can be seen as a interface between raw energy and the caster. When Karsus, a lv 42 arcanist casted the strongest spell ever, Karsus avatar and it nearly destroyed the fabric of reality and the weave, the king of shadows :
forgotten realm fandom site wrote:King was unable to draw upon his old power. Therefore, he turned to the Shadow Weave, a dark magic source governed by Shar that turned him into a creature of darkness. source
That said, the first huge disruption of the weave din't destroyed the shadow weave. However, the spell plague of 4e affected the ability of SHADOWCASTERS and other magicians which has access to the shadow weave to cast spells? Shadowcasters for those who don't know, are a class focused on magic using from Tome of Magic sourcebook for 3.5e. They had to have high INT and CHA, and had their dark mysteries divided into fundamentals, apprentice, initiate and master and getting access to a higher tier of dark mysteries, allowed the caster to cast lesser spells as spell like abilities or even as supernatural abilities. He sacrifice versatility for power.
On 5e, IDK any official shadow weave class. Only homebrew ones. That said :
- 1 - During the spellplague, did shadowcasters lost access to their spells? And spell like abilities? Supernatural abilities?
- 2 - Can Shar cuts the shadowcaster from the dark weave?
- 3 - If the spellplague din't affected the powers o shadowcasters, how did they and the rest of the world reacted to it?
- 4 - If affected, what happened with shadow weave based powers after the weave was restore?
This is why I an asking. The late 3.5e,earlier 4e/5e is probably the worst part speaking about the metaplot...