NWN:EE Aurora Toolset - Save/Load Feat List

In the "Creature Properties" window under the "Spells" tab, there is an option to:
"Save Class Spell List"
"Load Class Spell List"
It would be extremely helpful to have a similar feature available under the "Feats" tab:
"Save Feat List"
"Load Feat List"
It can be very time consuming to go through and select feats for new creatures. Being able to save/load lists of feats would save a great deal of time.
"Save Class Spell List"
"Load Class Spell List"
It would be extremely helpful to have a similar feature available under the "Feats" tab:
"Save Feat List"
"Load Feat List"
It can be very time consuming to go through and select feats for new creatures. Being able to save/load lists of feats would save a great deal of time.