Why are Beamdog being congratulated?

People on this forum are issuing goodwill and congratulations to Beamdog as if they were the ones who have made this game in the first place, (some may have been involved ORIGINALLY, but that was THEN and they already received the kudos for that, we should be concentrating on THIS RELEASE).
So far this iteration's voyage to market has been a mess and certainly nothing to be lauded, unfounded plaudits DO NOT help customers get better service.
Considering Beamdogs biggest, by far, job has been for the bughunting, and even most of that has been done by the community, and they STILL can't get a release of reasonable quality out of the door.
The posts that haven't been hidden by the sheer numbers of mindless praise mostly show dissatisfaction with the condition of the game, pointing out everything from a delay which obviously did nothing for polish, to the game refusing to DL OR play when finally gotten, to new bugs that weren't in the game to begin with which include, but are not limited to, failing spawns for huge parts of the game... missing Khalid and Jahira and no captain the Nashkel Mines
What exactly have Beamdog done to earn this moronic adulation? Most buyers already have this game and have paid, for what they thought, SHOULD have been a clean release... and don't use the excuse that all games have bugs.. FOR NEW GAMES THAT IS TRUE, but it certainty should not be the case for a 'cleaned-up' re-release.
To all those people about to chime in with "The game works just fine"....(is it really fine or are you just not familiar enough with the game to see all the broken content, where there is one broken spawn there will certainly be others, and these will require patching, which will in all probability require more than the original game's two).."Just fine" is simply low expectations, what about those people who expected this game to be better than "just fine"? This SHOULD have been a polished release, ESPECIALLY seeing as it was delayed for two months.
Beamdog are guilty of entirely avoiding their purchase forum and the problems people seek to have sorted. So in the end what has this release actually given it's purchasers? delays, bugs, broken multi-player that actually worked in the original, removal of original content in favour of a newer, crappier iteration (opening CG and theme, I'm looking at you) and second rate worthless content... I mean seriously.. AN ARENA MODE FOR A STORY DRIVEN GAME, what a joke.
I am ALL for giving credit where credit is due, seriously, but no credit is due for this half arsed release.
Finally seeing that Beamdog have 'conveniently' ignored another of their promises I'll mention here something that has already been mentioned on the purchases forum by another pissed of customer... WHERE is the extra stuff that was promised, because of the delay, to the people who pre-ordered the game before september?
Beamdog.. get your arses over to your purchases forum and start cleaning up the mess that you caused, you are ignoring those people who want, and have a right to, answers and being ignored is just pissing them off even more.
To those who yet to buy the game... DON'T.. buy a cheaper version from somewhere, GOG, just as a suggestion, and mod it yourself. You'll get the same experience and the 'extra' content simply isn't worth it.
..And if you plan to chime in complaining at me daring to complain.. yeah, good luck with that, I'm certainly not going to lose sleep over criticism from people guilty of blind, thoughtless praise for those who don't deserve it.
Anyway, this is the only post I'm going to make, I've wasted enough time on this release, needless to say Beamdog won't be getting anymore of my money for anything they may release in the future.. BTW, Beamdog, leave PS:T alone and don't even bother with BG3, you're not capable of producing the quality of work either of those would require, you are better off changing your name to Obsidian, theoretically, you may have some good ideas on what you want to do, but your execution is piss poor.
So far this iteration's voyage to market has been a mess and certainly nothing to be lauded, unfounded plaudits DO NOT help customers get better service.
Considering Beamdogs biggest, by far, job has been for the bughunting, and even most of that has been done by the community, and they STILL can't get a release of reasonable quality out of the door.
The posts that haven't been hidden by the sheer numbers of mindless praise mostly show dissatisfaction with the condition of the game, pointing out everything from a delay which obviously did nothing for polish, to the game refusing to DL OR play when finally gotten, to new bugs that weren't in the game to begin with which include, but are not limited to, failing spawns for huge parts of the game... missing Khalid and Jahira and no captain the Nashkel Mines
What exactly have Beamdog done to earn this moronic adulation? Most buyers already have this game and have paid, for what they thought, SHOULD have been a clean release... and don't use the excuse that all games have bugs.. FOR NEW GAMES THAT IS TRUE, but it certainty should not be the case for a 'cleaned-up' re-release.
To all those people about to chime in with "The game works just fine"....(is it really fine or are you just not familiar enough with the game to see all the broken content, where there is one broken spawn there will certainly be others, and these will require patching, which will in all probability require more than the original game's two).."Just fine" is simply low expectations, what about those people who expected this game to be better than "just fine"? This SHOULD have been a polished release, ESPECIALLY seeing as it was delayed for two months.
Beamdog are guilty of entirely avoiding their purchase forum and the problems people seek to have sorted. So in the end what has this release actually given it's purchasers? delays, bugs, broken multi-player that actually worked in the original, removal of original content in favour of a newer, crappier iteration (opening CG and theme, I'm looking at you) and second rate worthless content... I mean seriously.. AN ARENA MODE FOR A STORY DRIVEN GAME, what a joke.
I am ALL for giving credit where credit is due, seriously, but no credit is due for this half arsed release.
Finally seeing that Beamdog have 'conveniently' ignored another of their promises I'll mention here something that has already been mentioned on the purchases forum by another pissed of customer... WHERE is the extra stuff that was promised, because of the delay, to the people who pre-ordered the game before september?
Beamdog.. get your arses over to your purchases forum and start cleaning up the mess that you caused, you are ignoring those people who want, and have a right to, answers and being ignored is just pissing them off even more.
To those who yet to buy the game... DON'T.. buy a cheaper version from somewhere, GOG, just as a suggestion, and mod it yourself. You'll get the same experience and the 'extra' content simply isn't worth it.
..And if you plan to chime in complaining at me daring to complain.. yeah, good luck with that, I'm certainly not going to lose sleep over criticism from people guilty of blind, thoughtless praise for those who don't deserve it.
Anyway, this is the only post I'm going to make, I've wasted enough time on this release, needless to say Beamdog won't be getting anymore of my money for anything they may release in the future.. BTW, Beamdog, leave PS:T alone and don't even bother with BG3, you're not capable of producing the quality of work either of those would require, you are better off changing your name to Obsidian, theoretically, you may have some good ideas on what you want to do, but your execution is piss poor.
Where have I been... before release, on the purchases forums.. after release trying to dl and play the game.. after all I couldn't complain about something I didn't know was screwed up.
For the final time>>>>>> Gone!. Enjoy waiting for your patches.
Lol, gotta love internet logic.
Is it perfect? No. Am I enjoying the hell out of it anyway? You betcha!
Also @mch202 I love that chart.
This gives me the chance to dive back in without having to do much myself. Next I like the improvements and finishing the game with the new companions that they added makes for a new experience!
I love the new UI too!
Quite a feat!
Nicely put
If you have any problems with the game, write in the bugs / feature request subsections what your issues are. What exactly do you think whining in general discussion is going to do? None of us can do anything about it.
Theres not a single game that has ever been released bug free, if you pre order, or purchase a game on the day of release, its an absolute fact that it will contain bugs. If you dont like that, and if you cant be bothered to help in the correct manner to contribute towards fixing those bugs, then you should never pre order or buy games as soon as they are released.
Neither position is more valid than the other and voiceing one doesn't make you a troll any more than voicing the other makes you a homer/fanboy.
The anger in some of the posts is understandable, as this is not a 'mod'. This is a purchased product. If a consumer is unhappy, they have equal right to go on about that as people that love the product have to laud it. Frankly, I'm sick of 'how can you be so mean' reactions. This is not the product of a volunteer, devoting time to making the game different; these are professionals (which should also be encouraging - professionals follow through and improve the product despite the maelstrom).
Everybody has their 'pet' gripes about the game and what they'd like fixed first. #1 on my list is to make the FPS in the .ini file work if you adjust it, as I would like a little more step in the strides of CHARNAME. Maybe others don't agree and think some other issue is more pressing; I'm not one to tell others what is, or isn't, important in such cases.
As for my good luck, waiting for patches, I'm not. They'll come when they come, but I'm going to play until it breaks the game. My only question is how I'll know when patches come out - will the launcher tell me? I've asked in other places, too, hoping to figure out how we'll get quick fixes.
Now, go and gather your party before venturing forth...
Granted i only just d-loaded it after my trip to the cardiologist and so far i'm absolutely loving it. I don't understand why the op hates the intro, i thought it was great! It seemed to be made almost comic book style which is actually a nice variation of the intro from the original.
The only thing i've found so far i didn't like and i suspect that's yet another issue to do with bloody windows 7 and it's crappy treatment of games a whole is that i can't run the game without the beamdog client. When i do try to run it from the exe. in the beamdog folder or drag to my desktop, it tells me my exe is corrupt so i'll see if that's been an issue for anyone else and there may be a fix already. Now trolls, pay attention. Did i yell and scream and make accusations? No i did not. i'm presenting my issue like a normal person. So stow the vitriol, take the proper steps and check the bugs section as i will be doing in a min and see if those complaints of yours have been addressed yet and if not, post them.