Installing custom mods from NWV to Android device

Is this official guide on 3rd party module installing still actual?
As far as I can see on my device, the file structure differs from what is described on above link.
(PC) NWN/hak folder = (Android) Android/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/data/hk
(PC) NWN/modules= (Android) Android/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/data/mod
(PC) NWN/database = Android/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/user/database (???)
I haven't found the Android location for:
(PC) NWN/source -- where files like portraits.2da should be located
Could anybody give more information on this issue?
As far as I can see on my device, the file structure differs from what is described on above link.
(PC) NWN/hak folder = (Android) Android/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/data/hk
(PC) NWN/modules= (Android) Android/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/data/mod
(PC) NWN/database = Android/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/user/database (???)
I haven't found the Android location for:
(PC) NWN/source -- where files like portraits.2da should be located
Could anybody give more information on this issue?
You've also ignored the link's comments that you should never touch the /data directory. Everything goes in /user.
Thanks a lot for explanations and links. Will try installing the mod this way.
I've paid no attention to putting everything to 'user' because I've already installed three mods by placing its files to 'data' directory and everything worked fine