Custom Tactic AI?

Only messed with the game a little yesterday. Really enjoying it and am excited to play, can't wait to get it for the iPad).
I saw that there are the pre-built AI tactics for the characters but how do you build your own custom ones? Couldn't we do this before? It's been a while since I played this last but I am sure I made my own... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I saw that there are the pre-built AI tactics for the characters but how do you build your own custom ones? Couldn't we do this before? It's been a while since I played this last but I am sure I made my own... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Get and copy the 2 *.bs files from the archive\compiled to "d:\Games\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\scripts\" [or whereever it is installed]. Those are 'real' BG1 scripts and should not conflict in any way.
Full description:;id=3;url=
Contains also the uncompiled version; for how to create your own scripts I'd rather suggest google
The other method is based on getting mods working ( and uses BG2 scripts. Though I really dunno, if they do fine, but I remember using eScripts for some time (in SOA/ToB). Yet I don't know anymore how your casters were acting and if they spent their spells 'carefully' or just like a stampede despite the encounter-difficulty.
Dunno if that helps...