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Two Handed Weapon Style changed?

I noticed that the description for Two Handed Weapon style changed to say "Any Two Handed Weapon", where as in BG2 I'm pretty sure it says "Any Two Handed Melee Weapon". I'm at work so I can check this to make absolutely sure...

If what I am saying is true, does that mean that bow wielders now benefit from 2 handed weapon proficiency? If this is the case, I think it's kind of lame that archers can only put 1 proficiency into this style.


  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    That's interesting.
    As for archers, I think they're OK without it, even if it doesn't make logical sense.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    No, it's just a change in the text. None of the weapon styles have any effect on ranged weapons.
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    Well the second proficiency, if I recall, only gives 4 to speed factor, which isn't a huge deal, but it still bothers me.

    I will have to do some testing tonight to see if the proficiency actually does in fact work with bows. If it doesn't, I REALLY hope they change the description back to what it says in Baldur's Gate 2. Explicitly say melee weapons if it only affects melee weapons.
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    Aosaw said:

    No, it's just a change in the text. None of the weapon styles have any effect on ranged weapons.

    I hope they change that then.. It's VERY misleading and can cause someone to dump 2 prof points into something completely worthless for them.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Is it changed in the game, or the manual? (It's a different person/team for each)
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    In the game. It doesn't say the word melee anywhere.. Just 2 handed weapons.
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    I haven't looked at the manual.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Tagging @Jalily and @AndreaColombo, then. Can you move this thread over to the Bugs / BG:EE forum?
  • LinkamusLinkamus Member Posts: 221
    Can someone that has access to the game right now confirm that I am right about this? I am currently at work. I'm 95% sure of myself.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Aosaw said:

    Tagging @Jalily and @AndreaColombo, then. Can you move this thread over to the Bugs / BG:EE forum?

    Is this a manual bug or actual bug, though?

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's a game bug, because it has to do with the text in the game itself.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Linkamus said:

    Well the second proficiency, if I recall, only gives 4 to speed factor, which isn't a huge deal, but it still bothers me.

    I will have to do some testing tonight to see if the proficiency actually does in fact work with bows. If it doesn't, I REALLY hope they change the description back to what it says in Baldur's Gate 2. Explicitly say melee weapons if it only affects melee weapons.

    The second pip in two handed style should only give an additional -2 speed factor, that's normal

    Two-handed style should only give bonuses to melee weapons, that's also normal, though the description sounds like it might be bugged
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