Looking for scripting help with a persistent world

Hello! I've posted on this sub-forum to inquire about potential help in terms of scripting with a persistent world that a good friend of mine has been thinking of doing for a while now. We've very recently looked at a module to base it off of, though the problem is that neither of us really have experience when it comes to scripting and/or coding; we're both more on the writing side of things, and the server's focus is primarily going to be roleplay, though we did want to make sure that all PvE stuff, amongst other things, were accounted for.
※ If you're interested in working with the project, even though it's still in the early stages and there's plenty of planning to be done for sure, or if you wanna learn more about it, hit me up with a direct message here in the forums and I'll make sure to respond to you as soon as I possibly can.
Of course, it's up to you whether these vague details interests you or not, if your curiosity is somewhat piqued and you'd like to know more about the PW mentioned; what we need someone good with scripting for, etc., feel free to hit me up with a whisper or a direct message.
※ If you're interested in working with the project, even though it's still in the early stages and there's plenty of planning to be done for sure, or if you wanna learn more about it, hit me up with a direct message here in the forums and I'll make sure to respond to you as soon as I possibly can.
Of course, it's up to you whether these vague details interests you or not, if your curiosity is somewhat piqued and you'd like to know more about the PW mentioned; what we need someone good with scripting for, etc., feel free to hit me up with a whisper or a direct message.
Post edited by celescyte on