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What is the best way to programmatically increase item gold value?

What I'm hoping to do is increase the gold piece value of an item when I change the quality item property. (For example from Destroyed to Ruined, the GP value goes from 1000 to 2000.)
I was hoping to find a way to do this with scripting, but it looks like that area of functions is high and dry.

The next way to do it would be modifying the 2da for item properties like quality. I'm not really sure how to do that, but know I can figure it out. I am worried about messing up item level restrictions by going that route.

Anyway, do you guys know what the best way would be?


  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    item level requirements are tied exactly to gold value. There is no way to increase it's value without also increasing it's item level requirement (Although the new value might fall in the same level)

    Modifying the 2da's for various item properties is one way to adjust value, but doesn't produce a specific increase (like "1000 gold") but works in multipliers that can be a bit complex.

    Another options is that, when the quality changes, replace the whole item with a different item (same basetype) but with +1000 "Additional value" set in the toolset, then change all the details/properties of the new item to match the old item before destroying the old one.

    With NWNX available, you could adjust this by script.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    I could probably benefit from NWNX, but it seems like a bigger can of worms than I want to open right now. I'll look more into the 2da approach. At the vary worst, I think it would be easier to mark the items as plot and only let them be sold through special scripts or conversations. (I already have one such script in place, so I would just need to add special logic for those items.)
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