Welcome to Mega City 1!

Felt inspired by Cyberpunk lately so i decided to create a section of a fictional city-scape using d20, alongside some custom work. I did this entirely for fun, so I don't think i'll ever do anything with it? but who knows! I had alot of fun doing it, and i keep adding more to it so we'll see i suppose. it took me about a week to get it all ready and was all completely worth it.
The Details:
The freeway is taken directly from the set converted into placebles. the metal freeway gantrys were too, i removed the signs and used them as supports. The Dystopian/Cyber ads were taken directly from various sources, one including cyberpunk 2077 (If you know it, you can call it out!), cobbled together and then illuminated via gmax plugin so they would well... illuminate at night!
I found E.E really captures lighting pretty well in the engine these days and liked how the tall buildings shadowed parts of the downtown street area's and illuminating others giving it a "Dystopian Vibe" I was going for
I even included a few sci fi noises to mix it up abit, perhaps ill throw a video out later on that.

The rest of the content is straight from d20 at the source.
The Details:
The freeway is taken directly from the set converted into placebles. the metal freeway gantrys were too, i removed the signs and used them as supports. The Dystopian/Cyber ads were taken directly from various sources, one including cyberpunk 2077 (If you know it, you can call it out!), cobbled together and then illuminated via gmax plugin so they would well... illuminate at night!
I found E.E really captures lighting pretty well in the engine these days and liked how the tall buildings shadowed parts of the downtown street area's and illuminating others giving it a "Dystopian Vibe" I was going for
I even included a few sci fi noises to mix it up abit, perhaps ill throw a video out later on that.

The rest of the content is straight from d20 at the source.
I was in the middle of working on a Team PvP Server but d20 is a rather cruel mistress and doesnt play well with D20 classes for online purposes. Ultimately I shelved the project until i could figure out how to get them to work for multiplayer. Aside from that there is currently a finished module of the world.