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NWN EE - Suggestion - item properties window resize

Amnesy2Amnesy2 Member Posts: 3

Would it be possible to resize the window for viewing item properties?

Currently, the text box is narrow, and as such while creating items (letters, books, RP items) that use text to store poems or songs makes it a mess to read. Expanding the window to accommodate a bit more room (like Pin textbox) or perhaps moving the icon section from a side to top or bottom and allowing more room that way would be enough and welcome.

Thank you,
Post edited by Amnesy2 on


  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 490
    Not a bad idea. Writing it all out in another text editor is what I have always done in the past. Not all characters copy over, but it gives me spell-checking.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 445
    @Amnesy2 Hi. If I may make a suggestion, you might want to change the title of your topic to "NWN EE - Suggestion - item properties window resize", as there currently is not an enhanced edition of NWN2. This will avoid confusing your fellow players. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
  • Amnesy2Amnesy2 Member Posts: 3
    Thank you @Prince_Raymond,

    I have no idea where that came from,

    And to add, the current item properties window can hold 35 characters in a single line, it would super nice if it could hold 60 or more.
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