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Persistent placables non NWNX

There used to be a system on the vault that let you place furniture and have it persistent without nwnx. That file is now 0kb sadly. Ive tried to use setcampaignlocation etc, but I guess it's more complicated than that. Does anyone have a pointer to where a system is that will remember placable locations persistently? My placement code is currently
void main()
    object oSpawn;
    object oPC = GetItemActivator();
    object oActTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget();
    location lActTarget = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation();
    object oArea = GetArea(oPC);
    int ibuildable = GetLocalInt(oArea,"buildable");
     // This item must target a location (not an object).
    if ( GetIsObjectValid(oActTarget) )
        SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Improper use of this item!");

    if ( ibuildable =1)
        // Spawn "crane".
    int itotbuilds = GetCampaignInt("Housing","Buildings",oArea);
    int icurrentbuild = itotbuilds +1;
    string icurr = IntToString(icurrentbuild);
    oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "scaffold", lActTarget);
    string pcname = GetName(oPC);
    DestroyObject(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "sethouse"));
    SetName(oSpawn,pcname = " Construction Site");

    SendMessageToPC(oPC,"This Area is not buildable");
    // Give "deed" to the PC.


The Area Enter for the building zone is ugly but using it to see if it works:
void spawnhouse(int icurr,object oArea,object oSpawn)
    //run 1st placement
    icurr = icurr + 1;
    string snum = IntToString(icurr);
    string type = GetCampaignString("Housing","Type"+snum,oArea);
    location lLocation = GetCampaignLocation("Housing",snum,oArea);
    oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE,type,lLocation);
    string pcname = GetCampaignString("Housing","owner"+snum,oArea);
    int stoneamt = GetCampaignInt("construction","stone",oSpawn);
    int woodamt = GetCampaignInt("construction","wood",oSpawn);

void main()

    // Get the creature who triggered this event.
    object oPC = GetEnteringObject();
    object oSpawn;
    object oArea = OBJECT_SELF;
    int bnum = GetCampaignInt("Housing","Buildings",oArea);
    int icurr = 0;
    // Only fire for (real) PCs.
    if ( !GetIsPC(oPC)  ||  GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) )

    if (bnum < 1)


    if (bnum < 2)


   if (bnum < 3)



  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    I'll look through what you have better later, but based off the first thing you said, I might have some tedious help. Not sure if it has been fixed, but at some point Set/GetCappaignLocation got broken.
    So I made this for setting:
    // Store the direction the object is facing.
    SetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("F" + sName), GetFacingFromLocation(lLocation));
    // Get the 3D position of the object.
    vector vPosition = GetPositionFromLocation(lObject);
    // Store them individually.
    SetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("X" + sName), vPosition.x);
    SetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("Y" + sName), vPosition.y);
    SetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("Z" + sName), vPosition.z);

    And this for getting:
    float fOrientation = GetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("F" + sName));
    float fX = GetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("X" + sName));
    float fY = GetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("Y" + sName));
    float fZ = GetCampaignFloat("db_name", ("Z" + sName));
    vector vPosition = Vector(fX, fY, fZ);
    location lPlace = Location(oArea, vPosition, fOrientation);

    I only used those once each, so they're not wrapped in functions, but you can do that easily.
  • vonstormvonstorm Member Posts: 66
    much appreciated. Thank you very much.
  • vonstormvonstorm Member Posts: 66
    Thanks to the snippet I got it working, thanks again
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