Persistent placables non NWNX

There used to be a system on the vault that let you place furniture and have it persistent without nwnx. That file is now 0kb sadly. Ive tried to use setcampaignlocation etc, but I guess it's more complicated than that. Does anyone have a pointer to where a system is that will remember placable locations persistently? My placement code is currently
The Area Enter for the building zone is ugly but using it to see if it works:
void main() { object oSpawn; object oPC = GetItemActivator(); object oActTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget(); location lActTarget = GetItemActivatedTargetLocation(); object oArea = GetArea(oPC); int ibuildable = GetLocalInt(oArea,"buildable"); // This item must target a location (not an object). if ( GetIsObjectValid(oActTarget) ) { SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Improper use of this item!"); return; } if ( ibuildable =1) { // Spawn "crane". int itotbuilds = GetCampaignInt("Housing","Buildings",oArea); int icurrentbuild = itotbuilds +1; SetCampaignInt("Housing","Buildings",icurrentbuild,oArea); string icurr = IntToString(icurrentbuild); SetCampaignString("Housing","Type"+icurr,"scaffold",oArea); oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "scaffold", lActTarget); SetCampaignLocation("Housing",icurr,lActTarget,oArea); string pcname = GetName(oPC); SetCampaignString("Housing","owner"+icurr,pcname,oArea); DestroyObject(GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "sethouse")); SetName(oSpawn,pcname = " Construction Site"); return; } SendMessageToPC(oPC,"This Area is not buildable"); // Give "deed" to the PC. }
The Area Enter for the building zone is ugly but using it to see if it works:
void spawnhouse(int icurr,object oArea,object oSpawn) { //run 1st placement icurr = icurr + 1; string snum = IntToString(icurr); string type = GetCampaignString("Housing","Type"+snum,oArea); location lLocation = GetCampaignLocation("Housing",snum,oArea); oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE,type,lLocation); string pcname = GetCampaignString("Housing","owner"+snum,oArea); SetTag(oSpawn,pcname+"House"); SetLocalString(oSpawn,"owner",pcname); int stoneamt = GetCampaignInt("construction","stone",oSpawn); SetLocalInt(oSpawn,"stone",stoneamt); int woodamt = GetCampaignInt("construction","wood",oSpawn); SetLocalInt(oSpawn,"wood",stoneamt); } void main() { // Get the creature who triggered this event. object oPC = GetEnteringObject(); object oSpawn; object oArea = OBJECT_SELF; int bnum = GetCampaignInt("Housing","Buildings",oArea); int icurr = 0; // Only fire for (real) PCs. if ( !GetIsPC(oPC) || GetIsDMPossessed(oPC) ) return; if (bnum < 1) return; spawnhouse(icurr,oArea,oSpawn); if (bnum < 2) return; spawnhouse(icurr,oArea,oSpawn); if (bnum < 3) return; }
So I made this for setting:
And this for getting:
I only used those once each, so they're not wrapped in functions, but you can do that easily.