MOD Suggestions

Hi All,
First off apologies if this has already been answered, I did have a little look through the forum but couldn't see anything. Secondly I have looked at the MOD section of the forum but it's all a bit confusing for me!
I've played through BG & BGII many times, I now own the EE versions but I've never added any MODs and am fairly new to modding in general.
Could anyone recommend some mods to install for BG2EE please? Things I'm looking for - new companions, new items, new areas/quests, new relationships.
First off apologies if this has already been answered, I did have a little look through the forum but couldn't see anything. Secondly I have looked at the MOD section of the forum but it's all a bit confusing for me!
I've played through BG & BGII many times, I now own the EE versions but I've never added any MODs and am fairly new to modding in general.
Could anyone recommend some mods to install for BG2EE please? Things I'm looking for - new companions, new items, new areas/quests, new relationships.

My modding hasn't been focused on the "new content" aspect, so there's not that much I can say there.
NPC mods tend to add one new NPC at a time; there are a lot of them, and I haven't touched most of them. The one fully new NPC that I've added is Isra (because I wanted a Cavalier companion for mechanical reasons). And having played with her, I'd definitely recommend her. Quite talkative even if you're not on the romance path, but she definitely fits well with the game.
(Edit: link added, since my connection is behaving a little better)
Thanks for that - can I just confirm that the restoration MOD is Almateria's Restoration Project?
Ah I see, so to add NPCs I need to add them individually. Good to know
Yes, and also this one:
I believe this must be installed before almateria's, the optional but cool fixes of fixpack can be the 1st:
Be sure the read the sites and the readmes of ALL those mods CAREFULLY before installing anything.
Isra, Adrian, Xan, Sirene
My suggestion is taking 1or 2 MOD npc, and 3-4 vanilla NPC with MOD added content (friendship, romance, quests etc). Better take your time browsing through the BG2 MOD forum, there are lot of options.
As for new areas/quests, I heard Lava's mods are good in this part, so I'm trying out myself at the moment~
As for gameplay, I'm quite enjoying SCS mod now, worth trying when you start to think vanilla BG2 is too easy. If you install more quests MOD, you will get more EXP and higher difficulty will be welcomed