Death Revival on Normal Setting

I'm playing the game on normal setting where the description clearly states 'characters don't permanently die'.
Two of my companions died during the encounter with the mage at the entrance to the Friendly Arm Inn, indicated by greyed out icons, but there bodies are nowhere to be seen. How can I get them back, and how do I revive them?
Two of my companions died during the encounter with the mage at the entrance to the Friendly Arm Inn, indicated by greyed out icons, but there bodies are nowhere to be seen. How can I get them back, and how do I revive them?
If you play on harder difficulties, characters can be permanently killed if they take too much damage when they're at low health.
It seems to be a perversion of the optional Death's Door rules. Basically under the Death's Door rules, instead of dying at 0hp, you fell unconscious and lost 1hp/round until stabilised. You only actually died once you reached -10hp.
But provided you didn't get disintegrated, burned to ashes, or put in a blender you could still be raised from the dead, no matter how far below zero you went.
I thought it was in the manuals.
I played PnP for a number of years, at first 2.5E, later, and for the longest, 3.5E.
We played those rules.
When you reached 0 HP, you went unconscious, and 10 HP meant death.
Not saying its in the official rules, I just thought it was..
Maybe it's a 3.5E rule?
Now you mentions that, we can't have played with 10HP as a set in stone number, because there's a huge difference if you're low level or high level and the encounters you have.
It's been so long, but I'll bet some system similar to you was used.