Removing Memorized spells

Is there a function for removing memorized spells of a PC? I've taken a look through the functions and it doesn't seem that there is. I'm trying to remove all memorized spells from a PC so they cannot cast again until they have rested. Any pointers much appreciated.
// Decrement the remaining uses per day for this creature by one.
// - oCreature: creature to modify
// - nSpell: constant SPELL_*
void DecrementRemainingSpellUses(object oCreature, int nSpell)
I haven't used it yet though.
I like @NeverwinterWights idea, except for trying to decrement each spell by ID and only by one. Maybe that would be okay if you only have a few spells that you don't want them to be able to use until next rest.
If I use DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT does this reset on rest?
Quick tested. Removes most spells. Not epic though. Need to nail down the spell numbers a bit. I just grabbed a range from "nwscript".