Its more like Dorn is the most willing to ignore society's "morals" and judgement since well...hes an evil blackguard and simply won't care what others think of his actions. :P
Honestly, I think it's more trying to do something unexpected and making it
I'd have thought it is less expected to have a supposedly straight-thinking Lawful Good monk be interested in a same-sex romance rather than a self-professed morally ambiguous blackguard, but then I might be wrong.
Well, way to cover their asses from conservative moralisers by making it the bad guy. That's what I would say if I were cynical.
Yeah, see that was EXACTLY my thought too. I completely had my money on it being Rasaad. Neera would've been fan-service of the highest order (plus in the AMAA they told me "it's not Neera!"), Dorn would be "bisexuality is evil!" so I assumed it would be Rasaad.
Well, way to cover their asses from conservative moralisers by making it the bad guy. That's what I would say if I were cynical.
Yeah, see that was EXACTLY my thought too. I completely had my money on it being Rasaad. Neera would've been fan-service of the highest order (plus in the AMAA they told me "it's not Neera!"), Dorn would be "bisexuality is evil!" so I assumed it would be Rasaad.
I was REALLY hoping it was Rasaad. I've never played as an evil character and I don't plan to start. Huge disappointment.
Kinda disappointed, my current charname has a lot in common with Rasaad (despite being a Cleric). Ah well, hopefully Dorn or Neera won't be adverse to a TN Cleric of Oghma...
So if I create a female Charname, she will have no luck with the ladies since Neera's straight?
There are currently no lesbian romance options. Devs (specifically Dave Gross) have said that this problem will be addressed "sooner rather than later."
Damnit. I wanted to play it with Neera... but now I'm just tempted to forget about her and go with Dorn just to see how it's done. Romancing an evil half-orc sounds like it will have a lot of potential awesome.
And way to be mature about the question, guys. Seriously.
Of course I could be totally wrong.