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A question about importing

Hey there fellow Bhaalspawn!
I was just reading around a bit in some older threads about this topic like here
and here
So if I get this right, it should work something like this: you can't (without mods or something of course) exceed the xp cap in your respective game (say your BG1 characters will never get more than 161.000 xp in BG1), but nevertheless any excess xp you assemble in that game will at least be "saved/stored" and transferred into the next game, right?
Well, I didn't know that, I had just thought that "cap is cap and that is that". So when I made my first character import from BG1 to BG2 a while ago it went just as I had expected: my Fighter/Thief charname started with exactly 80.500 xp in both of his classes.
Out of curiosity I just went ahead and imported some save games from a little bit before the BG1 finale, and funny enough, that charname came out of Irenicus' cell ahead of the xp cap on two occasions. Barely. Instead of 80.500 he had 80.757 xp in both classes. But that too doesn't really seem right: being quite the completionist, I had done just about everything I could in BG1 (minus a few of the companion quests) and hit the xp cap before clearing out all the lower levels of Durlag's Tower and the complete final section of the main quest, so I'd estimate that my final xp count should have been somewhere around 190k-210k or something like that...
So I guess what I want to ask is, is this
a) some mistake on my part, did I somehow do the import wrong? Just imported the "final" save file from 1 to 2, on Android.
b) some kind of bug? Like I said, some of the earlier quicksaves (from just a few seconds before the final battle) imported had a few extra xp above the cap, but definitely not the complete "stored" amount?
or c) outdated info in the linked threads above that has been changed or fixed over the years?
Just asking because depending on the answer my next BG1 charname might save him/herself the hassle of going through the trap-infested hellhole of insanity, better known as Durlag's Tower ;)


  • kaisch006kaisch006 Member Posts: 8
    The saving xp over the cap is a myth. The only thing saved over the cap xp from your most recent kill. So if you kill something worth 750, you will be 750 over the cap. If you then kill something worth 3,000, you will instead be 3,000 over the cap.
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Okay, so "d) it's a myth" it is then, good to know, thanks. Now that surely might save a bunch of "step.wait.detect.disarm.step.wait.detect.disarm.step.wait.detect.disarm." work, that's quite a relief.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    The way experience over the BG1 cap works: the game stores that experience, but resets you down to the cap every time you load a save. And only when you load a save. The longer you go without a save/load for any reason at the end, the more of a bonus you get.

    Dual-class characters are a bit weird here; the game resets you down so that your second class is at the full cap, even though the experience you can use to level up has the cap apply to the sum of the two classes.
  • LelandGauntLelandGaunt Member Posts: 83
    Hmm not sure I understand that right: so are you saying that if, after hitting the BG1 xp cap, I'd have to rush through the rest of the game without ever saving/loading the game and then I might get the bonus xp in BG2? Sounds kinda fun... or I guess not so much, I just looove that quicksave button... and oh yeah, I also like sleeping from time to time haha.
    Hmm yeah, dual-classing in general seems rather weird to me. I mean I get the basic concept and I certainly see how some combos might (eventually) become more powerful than other options, but I guess I'm just a single or multiclass kinda guy, having the class I want to have from the very beginning. Not really fond of the idea of for example going through all of BG1 as one class, then going through the early stages of BG2 as something completely different just to later (eventually) unleash my "real potential". I'd be walking around like Edwin all the time: one day... one day...^^
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    Playing without loading a save doesn't mean you have to do it in one uninterrupted session from your perspective. You can pause, minimize the game, and even have the computer sleep. And there's no penalty for saving, as long as you don't go and load the save.

    I can pretty reliably play from the end of chapter 5 to the final battle without loading anything ... except for crashes. Every time I've tried this, I've run into crashes. Usually, it's the bug where all the portraits go black out of nowhere and this happens:
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