[MOD] RestBeGone - Per Encounter Spells & Abilities

All spells and innate abilities are refreshed every ~20 sec outside of combat. No more sleeping in dank and smelly dungeons just because Edwin ran out of spells again. An unfortunate side effect is that it also eliminates fatigue. Small price to pay.
Components (all can work independantly or together):
Installation instructions:
Uninstallation instructions:
Updating instructions:
Update History:
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Components (all can work independantly or together):
1.Main component: Refreshes party spells and abilities every ~20 seconds outside of combat. Sacrifices fatigue mechanic.
2.Refreshes enemy health, spells, abilities and contingencies within ~20 seconds of leaving combat. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (in general, but especially for this component)to install this on top of SCS for full functionality. While it will work on its own, it will be inconsistent as a lot of vanilla enemies' casting bypasses their spellbook. SCS mitigates this and it also has its own script to refresh to refresh enemies (only it's 8 ingame hours after combat), which this component will utilize (and change to 20 seconds) instead of adding new script. Basically just run with SCS and install this on top. It's the best way to play.
3.Disables resting outside of inns and special indoor areas.
2.Refreshes enemy health, spells, abilities and contingencies within ~20 seconds of leaving combat. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (in general, but especially for this component)to install this on top of SCS for full functionality. While it will work on its own, it will be inconsistent as a lot of vanilla enemies' casting bypasses their spellbook. SCS mitigates this and it also has its own script to refresh to refresh enemies (only it's 8 ingame hours after combat), which this component will utilize (and change to 20 seconds) instead of adding new script. Basically just run with SCS and install this on top. It's the best way to play.
3.Disables resting outside of inns and special indoor areas.
Installation instructions:
1.Extract the downloaded archive into your game folder.
2.Get the latest version of weidu for your OS from https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu/releases and paste weidu.exe (or whatever extension your OS uses, the file name is the same) into your game folder. Alternatively, if you have installed other mods, you can copy the setup-modname.exe from one of them and use that.
3.Rename your weidu.exe to setup-wl_RestBeGone.exe and run it
4.Follow the prompts to install the desired components.
Some features may require starting a new game to work.
2.Get the latest version of weidu for your OS from https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu/releases and paste weidu.exe (or whatever extension your OS uses, the file name is the same) into your game folder. Alternatively, if you have installed other mods, you can copy the setup-modname.exe from one of them and use that.
3.Rename your weidu.exe to setup-wl_RestBeGone.exe and run it
4.Follow the prompts to install the desired components.
Some features may require starting a new game to work.
Uninstallation instructions:
1.Run setup-wl_RestBeGone.exe and follow the prompts to uninstall desired components.
2.(Optional)Delete setup-wl_RestBeGone.exe, SETUP-wl_RestBeGone.DEBUG and the folder wl_RestBeGone from your game folder. Only do this if you've uninstalled ALL components first.
2.(Optional)Delete setup-wl_RestBeGone.exe, SETUP-wl_RestBeGone.DEBUG and the folder wl_RestBeGone from your game folder. Only do this if you've uninstalled ALL components first.
Updating instructions:
If you're updating from a version prior to 1.1:
1.Follow the uninstallation instructions to uninstall all components, including the optional step.
2.Follow the installation instructions.
If you're updating from a version 1.1 or later:
1.Follow the uninstallation instructions to uninstall all components. Optional step can be skipped.
2.Follow the installation instructions.
Some features may require starting a new game to work.
1.Follow the uninstallation instructions to uninstall all components, including the optional step.
2.Follow the installation instructions.
If you're updating from a version 1.1 or later:
1.Follow the uninstallation instructions to uninstall all components. Optional step can be skipped.
2.Follow the installation instructions.
Some features may require starting a new game to work.
This mod is made for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE. It will not work on PST:EE or any of the original releases.
This mod will require dlc-merger to be installed on a Steam/GoG installation to affect SoD. Get the latest HERE
This mod is only tested on Windows.
This mod goes last or as late as possible in your mod install order.
Any mod content that inflicts or otherwise deals with fatigue will lose that aspect.
This mod will require dlc-merger to be installed on a Steam/GoG installation to affect SoD. Get the latest HERE
This mod is only tested on Windows.
This mod goes last or as late as possible in your mod install order.
Any mod content that inflicts or otherwise deals with fatigue will lose that aspect.
Update History:
Update 8/3/21 (1.01):
Update 9/3/21 (1.02):
Update 11/3/21 (1.03):
Update 12/9/23 (1.1):
The effects of this mod can now be toggled off (and on again) through the console.
Toggle off:
Toggle off:
C:SetGlobal("WLRBGTOG","GLOBAL",1)Toggle on:
Update 9/3/21 (1.02):
Fixed a bug that would cause spells/abilities to refresh in combat if CHARNAME was in a different area than the one where combat was taking place.
Update 11/3/21 (1.03):
-Changed name of toggle off/on variable to WLRBGTOG
-Added install option to toggle mod off/on via innate ability rather than console
Note: I'm not 100% sure, but old versions may need to be uninstalled and their folder deleted before applying the new version.
-Added install option to toggle mod off/on via innate ability rather than console
Note: I'm not 100% sure, but old versions may need to be uninstalled and their folder deleted before applying the new version.
Update 12/9/23 (1.1):
-Added new component to affect enemies.
-Added new component to disable resting outside of inns and special indoor areas.
-Changed timer to 20 seconds
-Added new component to disable resting outside of inns and special indoor areas.
-Changed timer to 20 seconds
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Post edited by Allbrother on
Thankee! You just made something spiffy and seemingly unique!
May we get this uploaded to GitHub with a GitHub link?
May we also get an updated version that lets us toggle this "Rest Begone" ability mid-game, such as via an innate ability?
-I don't have a github and I don't want one.
-Can you explain why a toggle would be needed? It's effectively a rule change, generally not something that needs to be adjusted on the fly. And it is safe to install/uninstall on active saves in case one changes their mind about using it
I made these GitHub tutorials for those who wanted a step-by-step means to use common GitHub operations like add to and update files on GitHub.
Alright. I hate clutter in the innates, but I've uploaded an updated version that can be toggled on/off through the console.
Toggle off: Toggle on:
Innate toggle: May we get a Weidu installation option that lets us add an innate ability to the main character to toggle RestBeGone? That way, the people who want it can have it, and everyone can still toggle it via the console.
Should you want more exposure of your mod via GitHub but want someone else to upload it there, ask the people of Gibberlings3 since they've often uploaded mods to GitHub and updated them.
If anyone wants to upload my stuff somewhere else they're free to do so, but I'm not going to bug people to do that or maintain it for me.
Also, why/how would github provide more exposure to mods than the game's own forum? It's not like the place is easy to navigate if you don't have a direct link to what you're looking for
Part of GitHub's power is its integration with Project Infinity (PI) for mod management. PI doesn't scan forum threads, but it can check certain GitHub repositories for mods and updates.
Also, certain people active in the BG modding community have been banned from BeamDog or otherwise don't check this forum, but check other places like Gibberlings3.
Thanks a lot for this mod. I've always felt BG1's mechanics weren't really appropriate for BG2 or IWD. BG1 was a much slower paced game with more emphasis on exploration, so you didn't need to call upon spells and healing nearly as often. BG2 and IWD were much more action-oriented, and a "spell-per-day" approach that pressures you to spam rest disrupts the pacing and immersion of the game.
Another unique feature of the mod (in case it isn't apparent to anyone already) is that you don't even need to rest in order to initially memorize a spell - you can erase a spellcaster's memorized spells, assign new ones, and then in 2 rounds the newly assigned spells will show up as memorized.
Huh... For me personally, the per rest system feels worst in BG1 and early BG2 as you have so few abilities to play with at low levels and they're all gone in a single fight, which forces you into resting all the time if you don't want to be reduced to watching sprites swing at each other for the rest of the dungeon. I remember way back in the day when I played BG2 for the first time, it took me like 3 ingame months to get out of Jonny's place... kinda makes me question the Cowled Wizard's response time
I did not install this until I was a mage (since w/ PST you start off as a fighter and can only become a mage part way through the story). Hoping that's not why.
Yes. In fact, it's highly recommended to install this on top of SCS. Particularly for the new second component.
This has been updated to 1.1. This version adds 2 new components and changes the timer to 20 seconds.
New components (they work with or without the main component and/or each other):
1.Refreshes the health, spells, abilities and contingencies of enemies. Install on top of SCS for better/more consistent functionality.
2.Disables resting outside inns and special indoor areas