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SCS - Permanent Experience loss?

swaglordYOLOswaglordYOLO Member Posts: 6
Playing with SCS for the first time with majority of components installed. I killed the shade dragon who was level draining me, was about to whip out scrolls of restoration when I noticed the level drain was gone. "Neat" I thought and played on. Later I noticed all my toons had less xp then they did going into the fight, including Korgan who lost A MILLION xp (1300k to 300k). I had a save before that fight and tried it again, xp loss was always permanent until I had negative plain prot on all my guys. Just wondering if this is intentional or not, it's cool if it is, but I feel like there needs to be some kind of massive warning for that cuz if I didn't have that hard save it would have ended my playthough


  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,910
    The shadow dragon's breath is just a normal level drain effect, aside from being temporary. Permanent XP loss should be impossible. Also, SCS doesn't change that breath weapon's effects at all.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    just tested it now ( thinking perhaps the new patch had something to do with it ) and once korgan got level drained i used lesser restoration on him, and all his levels came back with no XP loss

    perhaps you have some extra mod that makes it so when you become level drained the XP goes with it as well? or a mod that doesn't properly bring the XP back up when the level drain effect is removed?
  • swaglordYOLOswaglordYOLO Member Posts: 6
    SCS is the only mod I have ever installed. What happened to me is the level drain icon went away by itself (did not cast resto), and next time I inspected Korgan he was a Level 13 zerker with 300k xp. No level drain text, no effect from a resto spell. Almost as if I had a "timer" to cure the level drain and once I missed it it became permanent.

    @Endrarie thanks, will do from now on (new here)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    just tested it, ( using the newest patch ) and the level drain effect does not go away on it's own anymore, haD to cast restoration to get rid of it
    as you can see, still level drained after jz2w82vfcb4g.png
    resting for that long
    what version of the game are you using?
  • swaglordYOLOswaglordYOLO Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for checking into it. It was the weirdest thing. The only reason I even noticed it, was Korgan's "next level in" bar was more white than I've ever seen in a playthrough (300/1500 filled in). I've since reinstalled the game and restarted the playthough just out of newbie paranoia. If it happens again I'll make sure to take screenshots and such.
  • swaglordYOLOswaglordYOLO Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2021
    @sarevok57 while I have your attention, is stuff like this normal? Notice it all over but it hasn't been harmful. If I click left of the gold it adds an invisible and unremovable item to my inventory. "This item cannot be removed" when I click on the leftmost empty inventory slot after picking up the invisible item

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,910
    Assuming SCS? Those bugged items are probably the result of the random scrolls component; sometimes it glitches, and you get that instead. Two variations: a null item that does nothing at all, or an item with the description "Invalid:9999" which can still be rerolled into a real bit of random treasure. Leave and re-enter the area or drop something else into the container to do that. To see which one it is, right-click the "empty" space to view the description. Or drop something into the container; it'll fill that empty space if it's a null item, or fill a different space and reroll the item if it's an "Invalid" item.

    I think it's the "Invalid" items that can turn into unremovables if you try to pick them up.

    And once you have that unremovable item in your inventory, only a save-editing tool can get rid of it. Or reverting to an older save.

    The null items show up as "NULL.itm" in the game data; they were originally random treasures, and the mod failed to convert them to the new random scroll items. The "Invalid" items show up as DWRNSCR#.itm in the game data, where # is a digit indicating the level of scroll they should be. Those items were converted properly by the mod, but glitched when the game tried to roll what they were as you were playing; the DWRNSCR# codes are, rather than actual items, markers to look up what the item should be in a table.

    This bug is active in SCS v33. Back in v32, the component didn't do this, but instead tended to get "stuck" and give you multiple copies of the same scroll from monsters in the same area.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    @swaglordYOLO yeah, never seen this before

    must be as @jmerry says

    i have no knowledge of SCS
  • swaglordYOLOswaglordYOLO Member Posts: 6
    That makes sense. Thanks a lot guys @jmerry @sarevok57

    Was not prepared for this level of professional responsiveness :)
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