Senjak and Dorotea

Ok, so when I travel to the right of the Nashkel mines, I get ambushed and I run into two characters called Senjak and Dorotea. After I kill the bandits around them, Senjak and Dorotea just stand there... Nothing happens after that. Sometimes the game even crashes when I travel forth from there. I'm wondering what's wrong here...
Ok, so when I travel to the right of the Nashkel mines, I get ambushed and I run into two characters called Senjak and Dorotea. After I kill the bandits around them, Senjak and Dorotea just stand there... Nothing happens after that. Sometimes the game even crashes when I travel forth from there. I'm wondering what's wrong here...
It's part of the Dorn questline. He is supposed to show up and kick ass. Reload, I guess.
On a related note, Dorotea and Senjak are a clear reference to Glen Cook's Black Company series. Dorotea Senjak is the birthname of the Lady.