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[REQUEST] BG2 EE Additional paperdolls for existing animations

crimson_prophetcrimson_prophet Member Posts: 4
edited March 2021 in BGII:EE Mods

I kindly wanted to ask the Community here if anybody have some custom-made paperdolls up her/his sleeve and be willing to share?

I am especially interested in a paperdoll for an avatar called 'Irenicus Robed' (aka 'Hula Wizard'), as well as vampire (Bodhi) and drow male/female.


I've found some great work here on the forum - sadly, the download links are long dead and the Author does not respond to messages anymore...

Maybe someone could recreate it in some way? Haha, I know it's a long shot, but I thought it's at least worth a try! :)
It would mean the world to me.


Author of paperdolls: @Verden



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