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Arcane Treasury Mod - new items for BG1EE+SOD, BG2EE, EET.

Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
edited December 14 in BG:EE Mods
Hi, i'd like to introduce mod - Arcane treasury.
First of all i say thanks to Tipun for his great job with coding for this mod. He made the whole code, after i created items in DLTCEP and NI.

Arcane Treasury brings 60 new items to Baldur's Gate series of games (+32 in BGEE1, +8 in SOD, +20 in BGEE2 and BGEE2 has all 60), placing them into shops, containers and to inventory of enemies (bosses).

Most of these items have new unique BAMs, which have been made especially for this mod by artist Moteelde. There are also several items and BAMs from ICWD-games and one inspired by Silver Sword from NWN2.

There are a lot of magical items for mages, that’s why mod also slightly changes Robe of Vecna (spell casting speed) to maintain balance. It is also much more expensive now. You can't buy it so easily at the beginning of the game name now. There is also a new BAM for Robe of Vecna.

Though mod’s items are expensive to buy or difficult to get, insane difficulty level is recommended for balance. I don’t like Legacy of Bhaal level, when kobold acts like a dragon, but insane level will do. Other mods which make game more difficult are also welcome. New magical items in shops are very expensive, you will have to earn money, and maybe you even will not be able to buy all them - you will have to choose. I tried not to make them too powerful, what do i mean: additional Magical Resistance +25% - this is too much for one item, +4 spell casting - also too much. Such items ruin game-balance, especially when you easily get them at the beginning of the game. I tried to use the rule: a valuable item should be very expensive to buy or it can be among possessions of a powerful creature.

There are also new four non-magical treasures.

Complete list of items as their location in games can be found in Readme, but beware of spoilers.

The mod works with Bg1EE+SOD, Bg2EE, EET. This is first mod i took part in - i checked it in Bg1EE+SOD, BG2EE. But i had not checked EET - still it should be ok. Mod also works with Bg1 EE without SOD, but in this case new staffs will not be seen in the inventory window. Only in game window.
Languages available: english, russian.



Download link:

Wish you good treasure-hunting! And any feedback would be welcome.

Post edited by Alexander12 on


  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519

    Are there spiffy new robes for arcane casters and Monks?
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2021
    Endarire wrote: »

    Are there spiffy new robes for arcane casters and Monks?

    yes:) there are 8 robes for mages/sorceres, 2 for bards. Monks - no((
    I don't like how vanilla robes look on elf females mages: with giant shoulders and coloured legs. Item "Robe of the Sentinel" was made especially for elf females mages - still other races can use it. But it doesn't look good on them. All the other robes i hope, look good.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited March 2021

    In a near-future release, may we get an Orange Ioun Stone for +1 caster level? I know most spells have an effective max caster level of 20, but this is something I've been wanting to use for years! It seems like something best placed in a SoD or early BG2 (SoA) area so people can still benefit from it.

    On GitHub, may we also get a formal release and a link in your to this thread for ease of discussion? (Tutorials)

  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 59
    So tempted to check the readme yet I want to discover the items in the game by myself >_<

    Thank your for the mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What say you to what I mentioned in my previous post?

  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    _DD_ wrote: »
    So tempted to check the readme yet I want to discover the items in the game by myself >_<

    Thank your for the mod.

    You are welcome! I hope you enjoy it!
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2021
    Endarire wrote: »

    In a near-future release, may we get an Orange Ioun Stone for +1 caster level? I know most spells have an effective max caster level of 20, but this is something I've been wanting to use for years! It seems like something best placed in a SoD or early BG2 (SoA) area so people can still benefit from it.

    On GitHub, may we also get a formal release and a link in your to this thread for ease of discussion? (Tutorials)


    Sorry for late answer. Frankly speaking i don't know yet if there will be version 2 with additional items, as creating these ones took plenty of time. But if i do, i will add this stone to the list of items. Still i cant't promise that v2 will be released. By the way, there is an item in this mod that adds +1 caster level for mages - as does Cloack of Minor Arcana is SoD.

    Thanks for the link, i'll check these materials a little later. But i haven't understood what should be done with downloads on GitHub? I guess everything can be dowloaded including readme? Or you mean that it is better to give description of items properties in readme?
    Post edited by Alexander12 on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, the intent is to:

    -Upload the files to GitHub.

    -Make a ReadMe that links to this thread near the top and explains what the mod is and does.

    -Make a release version on GitHub and link to your releases page on this thread so your mod seems more official.


    (The Orange Ioun Stone's +1 CL is specifically because I wanted to use that item in a D&D game. Other methods may boost caster level, but I also wanted that item.)
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    Endarire wrote: »

    -Upload the files to GitHub.
    Thanks, But files are already uploaded?
    -Make a ReadMe that links to this thread near the top and explains what the mod is and does.
    Done, if i understood correctly.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Greetings again from about 3 months in the future!

    In this mod, what're the final stats of a Robe of Vecna? May we get an installation option to prevent item changes? Our family was building the main character around using RoV with its default stats.

    Also, may we still get that Orange Ioun Stone? That's the one new item I request from you for this mod.

  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    Endarire wrote: »
    Greetings again from about 3 months in the future!

    In this mod, what're the final stats of a Robe of Vecna? May we get an installation option to prevent item changes? Our family was building the main character around using RoV with its default stats.

    Also, may we still get that Orange Ioun Stone? That's the one new item I request from you for this mod.


    Final Stats of Robe of Vecna:

    - Armor Class: 4
    - Magic Resistance: +10%
    - Improves casting speed by 3
    - Can memorize two extra 7th-level wizard spell

    I lowered spell casting speed, because i think that speed +4 is too much for one item. With amulet of power this will be +5 totally. Besides in this mod there are other items which improve this stat for +1: a cloack and a staff. That is why i lowered Vecna's spell casting speed. Instead i added and improved other stats:
    - Armor Class: 4
    - Can memorize two extra 7th-level wizard spell

    There are several robes in this mod, and their max spell casting speed is +3.

    What is so special about Orange Ioun Stone? I suppose you'd better do it yourself, cause i don't know, when i have time:( and when V2 will be available, sorry
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I've had an emotional fondness for this item because it's been in the 3.x and PF1e SRD for so long.

    If I make this item, may I add it to this mod? You'd get credit.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 138
    @Alexander12, there are messages for you regarding this mod
  • gwaihirgwaihir Member Posts: 22
    Hi! I'm currently trying to install this mod on a pretty large EET game (patch 2.6) with project infinity, but the installation stops due to errors.

    Attached is the debug report.

  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 138
    edited December 2021
    Just installed this mod in EET 2.6.6 (manually), no problems found.
    WeiDU v 24900 Log

    version = 24900
    version = 24900
    version = 24900
    [.\chitin.key] loaded, 1154460 bytes
    [.\chitin.key] 279 BIFFs, 81874 resources
    [./goglog.ini] loaded, 92 bytes
    [./unins000.ini] loaded, 41 bytes
    [.\engine.lua] loaded, 109 bytes
    [.\weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes
    [.\lang\ru_ru\dialog.tlk] 275709 string entries
    [.\lang\ru_ru\dialogf.tlk] 275709 string entries

    Choose your language:
    0 [English]
    1 [Russian]
    Using Language [Russian]
    [Russian] has 1 top-level TRA files
    [al_item_pack/lang/ru_RU/Setup.tra] has 148 translation strings

    Using .\lang\ru_ru\dialog.tlk and .\lang\ru_ru\dialogf.tlk

    Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 0 Installed
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 1 Installed
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 2 Installed
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 3 Installed
    EET/EET.TP2 5 0 Installed
    EET_GUI/EET_GUI.TP2 5 0 Installed

    Install Component [Arcane Treasury mod]?
    nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?
    Installing [Arcane Treasury mod] [v1.5]
    [./override/CAMPAIGN.2DA] loaded, 3799 bytes
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\PATCH13.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH13.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH13.BIF]
    [.\DATA\PATCH13.BIF] 6118552 bytes, 190 files, 0 tilesets
    Copied [LIGHTGRN.PRO] to [override/XSLIGHTC.PRO]
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3784 bytes
    Adding projectile file override/XSLIGHTC.PRO ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/MISSILE.ids] loaded, 8009 bytes
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/PROJECTL.ids] loaded, 3784 bytes
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3784 bytes
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 3784 bytes
    override/PROJECTL.IDS copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/PROJECTL.IDS, 3784 bytes
    Appended text to [PROJECTL.IDS]
    [./override/missile.ids] loaded, 8009 bytes
    [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8009 bytes
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8009 bytes
    override/MISSILE.IDS copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/MISSILE.IDS, 8009 bytes
    Appended text to [MISSILE.IDS]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [override/XSLIGHTC.PRO] loaded, 512 bytes
    Copied [override/XSLIGHTC.PRO] to [override/XSLIGHTC.PRO]
    Added projectile file override/XSLIGHTC.PRO
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [LIGHTB.PRO] to [override/XSLIGHTB.PRO]
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4080 bytes
    Adding projectile file override/XSLIGHTB.PRO ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/MISSILE.ids] loaded, 8040 bytes
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/PROJECTL.ids] loaded, 4080 bytes
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4080 bytes
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4080 bytes
    Appended text to [PROJECTL.IDS]
    [./override/missile.ids] loaded, 8040 bytes
    [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8040 bytes
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8040 bytes
    Appended text to [MISSILE.IDS]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [override/XSLIGHTB.PRO] loaded, 768 bytes
    Copied [override/XSLIGHTB.PRO] to [override/XSLIGHTB.PRO]
    Added projectile file override/XSLIGHTB.PRO
    Copying 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XSLIGHTB.BMP] loaded, 740 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XSLIGHTB.BMP] to [override/XSLIGHTB.BMP]
    Copying 2 files ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XMFMISST.BAM] loaded, 49666 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XMFMISST.BAM] to [override/XMFMISST.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XMFMISSX.BAM] loaded, 109753 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XMFMISSX.BAM] to [override/XMFMISSX.BAM]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XMFMISSX.VVC] loaded, 492 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XMFMISSX.VVC] to [override/XMFMISSX.VVC]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XXWI422.spl] loaded, 250 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/XXWI422.spl] to [override/XXWI422.spl]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/] loaded, 512 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/pro/] to [override/]
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4094 bytes
    Adding projectile file override/ ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/MISSILE.ids] loaded, 8064 bytes
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/PROJECTL.ids] loaded, 4094 bytes
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4094 bytes
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/PROJECTL.IDS] loaded, 4094 bytes
    Appended text to [PROJECTL.IDS]
    [./override/missile.ids] loaded, 8064 bytes
    [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8064 bytes
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/MISSILE.IDS] loaded, 8064 bytes
    Appended text to [MISSILE.IDS]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [override/] loaded, 512 bytes
    Copied [override/] to [override/]
    Added projectile file override/
    Copying 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ambam3.BAM] loaded, 5161 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ambam3.BAM] to [override/ambam3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ANCLK5.bam] loaded, 6136 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ANCLK5.bam] to [override/ANCLK5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ASBELT.bam] loaded, 3991 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ASBELT.bam] to [override/ASBELT.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ASCRL7.bam] loaded, 5226 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ASCRL7.bam] to [override/ASCRL7.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cambam3.BAM] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cambam3.BAM] to [override/cambam3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/canclk5.BAM] loaded, 12366 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/canclk5.BAM] to [override/canclk5.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CASBELT.bam] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CASBELT.bam] to [override/CASBELT.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CBRBW2.BAM] loaded, 11366 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CBRBW2.BAM] to [override/CBRBW2.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CEMNE4.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CEMNE4.BAM] to [override/CEMNE4.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CEVRING.bam] loaded, 5035 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CEVRING.bam] to [override/CEVRING.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cgrac1.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cgrac1.BAM] to [override/cgrac1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CMORIN9.bam] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CMORIN9.bam] to [override/CMORIN9.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/COTWIZ1.bam] loaded, 6721 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/COTWIZ1.bam] to [override/COTWIZ1.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cpolsw4.bam] loaded, 21066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cpolsw4.bam] to [override/cpolsw4.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CRSENCL4.bam] loaded, 11566 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CRSENCL4.bam] to [override/CRSENCL4.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/crspwa2.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/crspwa2.BAM] to [override/crspwa2.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CSHEART7.bam] loaded, 5035 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CSHEART7.bam] to [override/CSHEART7.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CSPHRI1.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CSPHRI1.BAM] to [override/CSPHRI1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cweam3.BAM] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cweam3.BAM] to [override/cweam3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXADVB1.BAM] loaded, 8166 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXADVB1.BAM] to [override/CXADVB1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXARAMUL.bam] loaded, 11166 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXARAMUL.bam] to [override/CXARAMUL.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXARMO4.BAM] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXARMO4.BAM] to [override/CXARMO4.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXDARK1.BAM] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/CXDARK1.BAM] to [override/CXDARK1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cxpalan.bam] loaded, 11366 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cxpalan.bam] to [override/cxpalan.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cxseq3.BAM] loaded, 12266 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cxseq3.BAM] to [override/cxseq3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cxsorcs4.bam] loaded, 3943 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/cxsorcs4.bam] to [override/cxsorcs4.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/dsign1.bam] loaded, 4641 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/dsign1.bam] to [override/dsign1.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/EMNEC4.BAM] loaded, 5035 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/EMNEC4.BAM] to [override/EMNEC4.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/EVRING.bam] loaded, 5161 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/EVRING.bam] to [override/EVRING.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ghsh3.bam] loaded, 5876 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/ghsh3.bam] to [override/ghsh3.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/magro6.BAM] loaded, 2676 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/magro6.BAM] to [override/magro6.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/MORING9.bam] loaded, 4966 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/MORING9.bam] to [override/MORING9.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/POLSW2.bam] loaded, 5421 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/POLSW2.bam] to [override/POLSW2.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/polsw3.bam] loaded, 9666 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/polsw3.bam] to [override/polsw3.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/rcgrac1.BAM] loaded, 5551 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/rcgrac1.BAM] to [override/rcgrac1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/robearm.bam] loaded, 2961 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/robearm.bam] to [override/robearm.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/rsencl4.bam] loaded, 5161 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/rsencl4.bam] to [override/rsencl4.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/rspwar2.BAM] loaded, 5096 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/rspwar2.BAM] to [override/rspwar2.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/runec5.BAM] loaded, 5486 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/runec5.BAM] to [override/runec5.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/SCHAM5.bam] loaded, 5356 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/SCHAM5.bam] to [override/SCHAM5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/schol5.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/schol5.BAM] to [override/schol5.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/SHEART7.bam] loaded, 4426 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/SHEART7.bam] to [override/SHEART7.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/smoon0.bam] loaded, 10909 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/smoon0.bam] to [override/smoon0.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/smoon2.bam] loaded, 6995 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/smoon2.bam] to [override/smoon2.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/sphrin1.BAM] loaded, 4836 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/sphrin1.BAM] to [override/sphrin1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/stapp.bam] loaded, 10253 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/stapp.bam] to [override/stapp.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/STAPP1.bam] loaded, 5746 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/STAPP1.bam] to [override/STAPP1.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/wanrobe.bam] loaded, 15321 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/wanrobe.bam] to [override/wanrobe.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/weamu3.BAM] loaded, 5551 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/weamu3.BAM] to [override/weamu3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XADVB1.BAM] loaded, 4446 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XADVB1.BAM] to [override/XADVB1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XARAMUL.bam] loaded, 5421 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XARAMUL.bam] to [override/XARAMUL.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XARMOW4.BAM] loaded, 5746 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XARMOW4.BAM] to [override/XARMOW4.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xbrbwiz2.bam] loaded, 4901 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xbrbwiz2.bam] to [override/xbrbwiz2.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xdarks0.bam] loaded, 8880 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xdarks0.bam] to [override/xdarks0.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XDARKS1.BAM] loaded, 4901 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XDARKS1.BAM] to [override/XDARKS1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XFCIRC.bam] loaded, 4056 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XFCIRC.bam] to [override/XFCIRC.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XPALAN.bam] loaded, 5811 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XPALAN.bam] to [override/XPALAN.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xruby1.bam] loaded, 4901 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xruby1.bam] to [override/xruby1.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xseq1.bam] loaded, 9341 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/xseq1.bam] to [override/xseq1.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XSEQ2.bam] loaded, 5096 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/XSEQ2.bam] to [override/XSEQ2.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/СGHS3.bam] loaded, 9034 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy/СGHS3.bam] to [override/СGHS3.bam]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/XADVB1.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/XADVB1.itm] to [override/XADVB1.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/INN3351.sto] loaded, 740 bytes
    Patching XADVB1.ITM into store...
    override/INN3351.sto copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/INN3351.sto, 740 bytes
    Copied [INN3351.sto] to [override/INN3351.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\STORES.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\STORES.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\STORES.BIF]
    [.\DATA\STORES.BIF] 162212 bytes, 115 files, 0 tilesets
    Patching XADVB1.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/scham5.itm] loaded, 306 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/scham5.itm] to [override/scham5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG3901.are] loaded, 7580 bytes
    override/BG3901.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG3901.are, 7580 bytes
    Copied [BG3901.are] to [override/BG3901.are]
    Copying and patching 3 files ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\CREATURE.BIF]
    [.\DATA\CREATURE.BIF] 4510860 bytes, 3205 files, 0 tilesets
    Copied [MEKRAT.cre] to [override/MEKRAT.cre]
    Copied [GMAGE14.cre] to [override/GMAGE14.cre]
    Copied [HAMEK.cre] to [override/HAMEK.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xaramul.itm] loaded, 546 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xaramul.itm] to [override/xaramul.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DEZKIE.cre] loaded, 1508 bytes
    override/DEZKIE.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/DEZKIE.cre, 1508 bytes
    Copied [DEZKIE.cre] to [override/DEZKIE.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 640 bytes
    Patching XARAMUL.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xarmow4.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xarmow4.itm] to [override/xarmow4.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/INN3351.sto] loaded, 768 bytes
    Patching XARMOW4.ITM into store...
    Copied [INN3351.sto] to [override/INN3351.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 668 bytes
    Patching XARMOW4.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xfcirc.itm] loaded, 1122 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xfcirc.itm] to [override/xfcirc.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/TEM3402.sto] loaded, 484 bytes
    Patching XFCIRC.ITM into store...
    override/TEM3402.sto copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/TEM3402.sto, 484 bytes
    Copied [TEM3402.sto] to [override/TEM3402.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0203.are] loaded, 2756 bytes
    override/AR0203.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR0203.are, 2756 bytes
    Copied [AR0203.are] to [override/AR0203.are]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3495 bytes
    override/tooltip.2da copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/tooltip.2da, 3495 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xpalan.itm] loaded, 906 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xpalan.itm] to [override/xpalan.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DEATHK.cre] loaded, 1272 bytes
    override/DEATHK.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/DEATHK.cre, 1272 bytes
    Copied [DEATHK.cre] to [override/DEATHK.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [PWARDEN.cre] to [override/PWARDEN.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xstap1.itm] loaded, 658 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xstap1.itm] to [override/xstap1.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HIGHHEDG.sto] loaded, 2480 bytes
    Patching XSTAP1.ITM into store...
    override/HIGHHEDG.sto copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/HIGHHEDG.sto, 2480 bytes
    Copied [HIGHHEDG.sto] to [override/HIGHHEDG.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/ZORDRA.cre] loaded, 1456 bytes
    override/ZORDRA.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/ZORDRA.cre, 1456 bytes
    Copied [ZORDRA.cre] to [override/ZORDRA.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0603.are] loaded, 35608 bytes
    override/AR0603.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR0603.are, 35608 bytes
    Copied [AR0603.are] to [override/AR0603.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [Gaius.cre] to [override/Gaius.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3641 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xseq2.itm] loaded, 1242 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xseq2.itm] to [override/xseq2.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HIGHHEDG.sto] loaded, 2508 bytes
    Patching XSEQ2.ITM into store...
    Copied [HIGHHEDG.sto] to [override/HIGHHEDG.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [SEVPAT02.cre] to [override/SEVPAT02.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/cotwiz1.itm] loaded, 834 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/cotwiz1.itm] to [override/cotwiz1.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HIGHHEDG.sto] loaded, 2536 bytes
    Patching COTWIZ1.ITM into store...
    Copied [HIGHHEDG.sto] to [override/HIGHHEDG.sto]
    Copying and patching 2 files ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 696 bytes
    Patching COTWIZ1.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\25STORE.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25STORE.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25STORE.BIF]
    [.\DATA\25STORE.BIF] 51820 bytes, 35 files, 0 tilesets
    Patching COTWIZ1.ITM into store...
    Copied [25SPELL.sto] to [override/25SPELL.sto]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3663 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/anclk5.itm] loaded, 746 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/anclk5.itm] to [override/anclk5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/STO0703.sto] loaded, 4492 bytes
    Patching ANCLK5.ITM into store...
    override/STO0703.sto copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/STO0703.sto, 4492 bytes
    Copied [STO0703.sto] to [override/STO0703.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 724 bytes
    Patching ANCLK5.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3686 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xsorcs3.itm] loaded, 1674 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xsorcs3.itm] to [override/xsorcs3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/STO0703.sto] loaded, 4520 bytes
    Patching XSORCS3.ITM into store...
    Copied [STO0703.sto] to [override/STO0703.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Patching XSORCS3.ITM into store...
    Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/robearm.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/robearm.itm] to [override/robearm.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/STO0703.sto] loaded, 4548 bytes
    Patching ROBEARM.ITM into store...
    Copied [STO0703.sto] to [override/STO0703.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [HLSION.cre] to [override/HLSION.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/wanrobe.itm] loaded, 834 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/wanrobe.itm] to [override/wanrobe.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/STO0703.sto] loaded, 4576 bytes
    Patching WANROBE.ITM into store...
    Copied [STO0703.sto] to [override/STO0703.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 752 bytes
    Patching WANROBE.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [JAGA3.cre] to [override/JAGA3.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/rsencl4.itm] loaded, 642 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/rsencl4.itm] to [override/rsencl4.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HIGHHEDG.sto] loaded, 2564 bytes
    Patching RSENCL4.ITM into store...
    Copied [HIGHHEDG.sto] to [override/HIGHHEDG.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 780 bytes
    Patching RSENCL4.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/dsign1.itm] loaded, 594 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/dsign1.itm] to [override/dsign1.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/SLYTHE.cre] loaded, 1256 bytes
    override/SLYTHE.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/SLYTHE.cre, 1256 bytes
    Copied [SLYTHE.cre] to [override/SLYTHE.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [HLKOSHI.cre] to [override/HLKOSHI.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/evring.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/evring.itm] to [override/evring.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DEGROD.cre] loaded, 2012 bytes
    override/DEGROD.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/DEGROD.cre, 2012 bytes
    Copied [DEGROD.cre] to [override/DEGROD.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [DCOWL1.cre] to [override/DCOWL1.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3711 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/moring9.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/moring9.itm] to [override/moring9.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DAVAEO.cre] loaded, 1752 bytes
    override/DAVAEO.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/DAVAEO.cre, 1752 bytes
    Copied [DAVAEO.cre] to [override/DAVAEO.cre]
    Copying and patching 2 files ...
    Copied [TOLGER.cre] to [override/TOLGER.cre]
    Copied [TOLGER2.cre] to [override/TOLGER2.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/polsw3.itm] loaded, 362 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/polsw3.itm] to [override/polsw3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/TAERUM.sto] loaded, 2116 bytes
    Patching POLSW3.ITM into store...
    override/TAERUM.sto copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/TAERUM.sto, 2116 bytes
    Copied [TAERUM.sto] to [override/TAERUM.sto]
    Extending game scripts ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF]
    [.\DATA\DEFAULT.BIF] 2850260 bytes, 507 files, 0 tilesets
    [./override/K#TELBGT.BCS] loaded, 12387 bytes
    override/K#TELBGT.BCS copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/K#TELBGT.BCS, 12387 bytes
    Extended script [K#TELBGT.BCS] with [k_telbgt.baf]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/asbelt.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/asbelt.itm] to [override/asbelt.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/INN3351.sto] loaded, 796 bytes
    Patching ASBELT.ITM into store...
    Copied [INN3351.sto] to [override/INN3351.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 808 bytes
    Patching ASBELT.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ascrl7.itm] loaded, 218 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ascrl7.itm] to [override/ascrl7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG2615.are] loaded, 18456 bytes
    override/BG2615.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG2615.are, 18456 bytes
    Copied [BG2615.are] to [override/BG2615.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR1513.are] loaded, 17164 bytes
    override/AR1513.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR1513.are, 17164 bytes
    Copied [AR1513.are] to [override/AR1513.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/sheart7.itm] loaded, 690 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/sheart7.itm] to [override/sheart7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/TEM3402.sto] loaded, 512 bytes
    Patching SHEART7.ITM into store...
    Copied [TEM3402.sto] to [override/TEM3402.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Patching SHEART7.ITM into store...
    Copied [DAWNMAS.sto] to [override/DAWNMAS.sto]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3736 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xdarks3.itm] loaded, 1818 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xdarks3.itm] to [override/xdarks3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/TRACEA.cre] loaded, 1300 bytes
    override/TRACEA.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/TRACEA.cre, 1300 bytes
    Copied [TRACEA.cre] to [override/TRACEA.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Patching XDARKS3.ITM into store...
    Copied [UDDROW23.sto] to [override/UDDROW23.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HLSION.cre] loaded, 1572 bytes
    Copied [HLSION.cre] to [override/HLSION.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/cgrace.itm] loaded, 306 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/cgrace.itm] to [override/cgrace.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/ALATOS.cre] loaded, 1644 bytes
    override/ALATOS.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/ALATOS.cre, 1644 bytes
    Copied [ALATOS.cre] to [override/ALATOS.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [MAEVAR.cre] to [override/MAEVAR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xruby1.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xruby1.itm] to [override/xruby1.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0514.are] loaded, 41120 bytes
    override/BG0514.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG0514.are, 41120 bytes
    Copied [BG0514.are] to [override/BG0514.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1401.are] loaded, 4088 bytes
    override/BG1401.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG1401.are, 4088 bytes
    Copied [BG1401.are] to [override/BG1401.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG2615.are] loaded, 18476 bytes
    Copied [BG2615.are] to [override/BG2615.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1803.are] loaded, 20020 bytes
    override/BG1803.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG1803.are, 20020 bytes
    Copied [BG1803.are] to [override/BG1803.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG2101.are] loaded, 3232 bytes
    override/BG2101.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG2101.are, 3232 bytes
    Copied [BG2101.are] to [override/BG2101.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG3601.are] loaded, 5544 bytes
    override/BG3601.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG3601.are, 5544 bytes
    Copied [BG3601.are] to [override/BG3601.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1504.are] loaded, 2648 bytes
    override/BG1504.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG1504.are, 2648 bytes
    Copied [BG1504.are] to [override/BG1504.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD7110.are] loaded, 10624 bytes
    override/BD7110.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BD7110.are, 10624 bytes
    Copied [BD7110.are] to [override/BD7110.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD1200.are] loaded, 65088 bytes
    override/BD1200.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BD1200.are, 65088 bytes
    Copied [BD1200.are] to [override/BD1200.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0205.are] loaded, 8756 bytes
    override/AR0205.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR0205.are, 8756 bytes
    Copied [AR0205.are] to [override/AR0205.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0413.are] loaded, 3800 bytes
    override/AR0413.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR0413.are, 3800 bytes
    Copied [AR0413.are] to [override/AR0413.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR1904.are] loaded, 4232 bytes
    override/AR1904.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR1904.are, 4232 bytes
    Copied [AR1904.are] to [override/AR1904.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR2101.are] loaded, 9312 bytes
    override/AR2101.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR2101.are, 9312 bytes
    Copied [AR2101.are] to [override/AR2101.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [FIRKRA02.cre] to [override/FIRKRA02.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF]
    [.\DATA\25CREATURES.BIF] 1785120 bytes, 810 files, 0 tilesets
    Copied [GORSAL.cre] to [override/GORSAL.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/emnec4.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/emnec4.itm] to [override/emnec4.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1504.are] loaded, 2668 bytes
    Copied [BG1504.are] to [override/BG1504.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0102.are] loaded, 5708 bytes
    override/BG0102.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG0102.are, 5708 bytes
    Copied [BG0102.are] to [override/BG0102.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0514.are] loaded, 41140 bytes
    Copied [BG0514.are] to [override/BG0514.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG3601.are] loaded, 5564 bytes
    Copied [BG3601.are] to [override/BG3601.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/CYTHAN.cre] loaded, 1452 bytes
    override/CYTHAN.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/CYTHAN.cre, 1452 bytes
    Copied [CYTHAN.cre] to [override/CYTHAN.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DEGROD.cre] loaded, 2032 bytes
    Copied [DEGROD.cre] to [override/DEGROD.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD7110.are] loaded, 10644 bytes
    Copied [BD7110.are] to [override/BD7110.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD1200.are] loaded, 65108 bytes
    Copied [BD1200.are] to [override/BD1200.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR1904.are] loaded, 4252 bytes
    Copied [AR1904.are] to [override/AR1904.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR2210.are] loaded, 2476 bytes
    override/AR2210.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR2210.are, 2476 bytes
    Copied [AR2210.are] to [override/AR2210.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF]
    [.\DATA\HEXXAT.BIF] 26010172 bytes, 1828 files, 4 tilesets
    Copied [OHHUMOL.cre] to [override/OHHUMOL.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [SHADRA01.cre] to [override/SHADRA01.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [TRRAK01.cre] to [override/TRRAK01.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/sphrin1.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/sphrin1.itm] to [override/sphrin1.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0102.are] loaded, 5728 bytes
    Copied [BG0102.are] to [override/BG0102.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0110.are] loaded, 4204 bytes
    override/BG0110.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BG0110.are, 4204 bytes
    Copied [BG0110.are] to [override/BG0110.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0514.are] loaded, 41160 bytes
    Copied [BG0514.are] to [override/BG0514.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1504.are] loaded, 2688 bytes
    Copied [BG1504.are] to [override/BG1504.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DAVAEO.cre] loaded, 1772 bytes
    Copied [DAVAEO.cre] to [override/DAVAEO.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD1200.are] loaded, 65128 bytes
    Copied [BD1200.are] to [override/BD1200.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDKHERR.cre] loaded, 2552 bytes
    override/BDKHERR.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BDKHERR.cre, 2552 bytes
    Copied [BDKHERR.cre] to [override/BDKHERR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDSHKORL.cre] loaded, 2272 bytes
    override/BDSHKORL.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BDSHKORL.cre, 2272 bytes
    Copied [BDSHKORL.cre] to [override/BDSHKORL.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDSHAPUR.cre] loaded, 4532 bytes
    override/BDSHAPUR.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BDSHAPUR.cre, 4532 bytes
    Copied [BDSHAPUR.cre] to [override/BDSHAPUR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/SHADRA01.cre] loaded, 4092 bytes
    Copied [SHADRA01.cre] to [override/SHADRA01.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [JAGALVAR.cre] to [override/JAGALVAR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\NEERA.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\NEERA.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\NEERA.BIF]
    [.\DATA\NEERA.BIF] 32423548 bytes, 1738 files, 11 tilesets
    Copied [OHNLANNE.cre] to [override/OHNLANNE.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [OHHDRAGO.cre] to [override/OHHDRAGO.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [PIRMUR01.cre] to [override/PIRMUR01.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [LEHTIN.cre] to [override/LEHTIN.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/runec5.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/runec5.itm] to [override/runec5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG0514.are] loaded, 41200 bytes
    Copied [BG0514.are] to [override/BG0514.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1401.are] loaded, 4108 bytes
    Copied [BG1401.are] to [override/BG1401.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1504.are] loaded, 2708 bytes
    Copied [BG1504.are] to [override/BG1504.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1803.are] loaded, 20040 bytes
    Copied [BG1803.are] to [override/BG1803.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD7230.are] loaded, 49544 bytes
    override/BD7230.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BD7230.are, 49544 bytes
    Copied [BD7230.are] to [override/BD7230.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDKHERR.cre] loaded, 2572 bytes
    Copied [BDKHERR.cre] to [override/BDKHERR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0907.are] loaded, 14872 bytes
    override/AR0907.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR0907.are, 14872 bytes
    Copied [AR0907.are] to [override/AR0907.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/FIRKRA02.cre] loaded, 1932 bytes
    Copied [FIRKRA02.cre] to [override/FIRKRA02.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [HLLAYEN.cre] to [override/HLLAYEN.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [OHNVICRO.cre] to [override/OHNVICRO.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ghshield.itm] loaded, 786 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ghshield.itm] to [override/ghshield.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/TAERUM.sto] loaded, 2144 bytes
    Patching GHSHIELD.ITM into store...
    Copied [TAERUM.sto] to [override/TAERUM.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GARLENA.sto] loaded, 3232 bytes
    Patching GHSHIELD.ITM into store...
    Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xbrbwiz2.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xbrbwiz2.itm] to [override/xbrbwiz2.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HIGHHEDG.sto] loaded, 2592 bytes
    Patching XBRBWIZ2.ITM into store...
    Copied [HIGHHEDG.sto] to [override/HIGHHEDG.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GAIUS.cre] loaded, 1788 bytes
    Copied [GAIUS.cre] to [override/GAIUS.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/weamu3.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/weamu3.itm] to [override/weamu3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BG1504.are] loaded, 2728 bytes
    Copied [BG1504.are] to [override/BG1504.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [HLREVAN.cre] to [override/HLREVAN.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/rspwar2.itm] loaded, 162 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/rspwar2.itm] to [override/rspwar2.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/DENAK.cre] loaded, 1456 bytes
    override/DENAK.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/DENAK.cre, 1456 bytes
    Copied [DENAK.cre] to [override/DENAK.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/SEVPAT02.cre] loaded, 1364 bytes
    Copied [SEVPAT02.cre] to [override/SEVPAT02.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/magrob6.itm] loaded, 546 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/magrob6.itm] to [override/magrob6.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/LENDAR.cre] loaded, 1680 bytes
    override/LENDAR.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/LENDAR.cre, 1680 bytes
    Copied [LENDAR.cre] to [override/LENDAR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GAIUS.cre] loaded, 1808 bytes
    Copied [GAIUS.cre] to [override/GAIUS.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ambam3.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ambam3.itm] to [override/ambam3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/RIELTA.cre] loaded, 1340 bytes
    override/RIELTA.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/RIELTA.cre, 1340 bytes
    Copied [RIELTA.cre] to [override/RIELTA.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/JAGALVAR.cre] loaded, 1516 bytes
    Copied [JAGALVAR.cre] to [override/JAGALVAR.cre]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/ccspqu3.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/ccspqu3.BAM] to [override/ccspqu3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cgmbo3.BAM] loaded, 13466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cgmbo3.BAM] to [override/cgmbo3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/clpri5.bam] loaded, 14366 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/clpri5.bam] to [override/clpri5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cmalc7.BAM] loaded, 12266 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cmalc7.BAM] to [override/cmalc7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/CMARING.bam] loaded, 2999 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/CMARING.bam] to [override/CMARING.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cpalg2.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cpalg2.BAM] to [override/cpalg2.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/CSIGOM5.bam] loaded, 12366 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/CSIGOM5.bam] to [override/CSIGOM5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cspque3.BAM] loaded, 4316 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cspque3.BAM] to [override/cspque3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cxgosc3.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/cxgosc3.BAM] to [override/cxgosc3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/gmbok3.BAM] loaded, 5616 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/gmbok3.BAM] to [override/gmbok3.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/lprid5.bam] loaded, 6331 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/lprid5.bam] to [override/lprid5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/malch7.BAM] loaded, 5291 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/malch7.BAM] to [override/malch7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/MARING.bam] loaded, 5226 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/MARING.bam] to [override/MARING.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/palgo2.BAM] loaded, 5941 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/palgo2.BAM] to [override/palgo2.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/SIGOM5.bam] loaded, 4966 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/SIGOM5.bam] to [override/SIGOM5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/XGOSC3.bam] loaded, 4381 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy2/XGOSC3.bam] to [override/XGOSC3.bam]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/maring.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/maring.itm] to [override/maring.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDCOLDH.cre] loaded, 3768 bytes
    override/BDCOLDH.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BDCOLDH.cre, 3768 bytes
    Copied [BDCOLDH.cre] to [override/BDCOLDH.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [PPCOWLED.cre] to [override/PPCOWLED.cre]
    Extending game scripts ...
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\ru_ru\DATA\PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\lang\en_us\DATA\PATCH2.BIF]
    BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [.\cache\DATA\PATCH2.BIF]
    [.\DATA\PATCH2.BIF] 39745172 bytes, 1005 files, 0 tilesets
    [./override/BD1200.BCS] loaded, 12901 bytes
    override/BD1200.bcs copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BD1200.bcs, 12901 bytes
    Extended script [BD1200.bcs] with [_bd1200.baf]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xgosc3.itm] loaded, 162 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xgosc3.itm] to [override/xgosc3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDSHAPUR.cre] loaded, 4552 bytes
    Copied [BDSHAPUR.cre] to [override/BDSHAPUR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/TRRAK01.cre] loaded, 1484 bytes
    Copied [TRRAK01.cre] to [override/TRRAK01.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/sigom5.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/sigom5.itm] to [override/sigom5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDKHERR.cre] loaded, 2592 bytes
    Copied [BDKHERR.cre] to [override/BDKHERR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [LAVOK02.cre] to [override/LAVOK02.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3761 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/malch7.itm] loaded, 1370 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/malch7.itm] to [override/malch7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD1200.are] loaded, 65148 bytes
    Copied [BD1200.are] to [override/BD1200.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR1513.are] loaded, 17184 bytes
    Copied [AR1513.are] to [override/AR1513.are]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3784 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/gmbok3.itm] loaded, 266 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/gmbok3.itm] to [override/gmbok3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BD7230.are] loaded, 49564 bytes
    Copied [BD7230.are] to [override/BD7230.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0413.are] loaded, 3820 bytes
    Copied [AR0413.are] to [override/AR0413.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/palgo2.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/palgo2.itm] to [override/palgo2.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDMORENT.cre] loaded, 2280 bytes
    override/BDMORENT.cre copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/BDMORENT.cre, 2280 bytes
    Copied [BDMORENT.cre] to [override/BDMORENT.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/FIRKRA02.cre] loaded, 1952 bytes
    Copied [FIRKRA02.cre] to [override/FIRKRA02.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/lprid5.itm] loaded, 1122 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/lprid5.itm] to [override/lprid5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDMORENT.cre] loaded, 2300 bytes
    Copied [BDMORENT.cre] to [override/BDMORENT.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [KAYPAL01.cre] to [override/KAYPAL01.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3808 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ccspqu3.itm] loaded, 890 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ccspqu3.itm] to [override/ccspqu3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/BDSHAPUR.cre] loaded, 4572 bytes
    Copied [BDSHAPUR.cre] to [override/BDSHAPUR.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR0205.are] loaded, 8796 bytes
    Copied [AR0205.are] to [override/AR0205.are]
    Copying 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ABROBE5.bam] loaded, 14346 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ABROBE5.bam] to [override/ABROBE5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/AMULOB9.bam] loaded, 5551 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/AMULOB9.bam] to [override/AMULOB9.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/BSBOOK.bam] loaded, 6396 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/BSBOOK.bam] to [override/BSBOOK.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CABROB5.BAM] loaded, 16066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CABROB5.BAM] to [override/CABROB5.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CAMULOB9.bam] loaded, 11766 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CAMULOB9.bam] to [override/CAMULOB9.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CBRBW2.BAM] loaded, 11366 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CBRBW2.BAM] to [override/CBRBW2.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CELROB5.bam] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CELROB5.bam] to [override/CELROB5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cnecri7.BAM] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cnecri7.BAM] to [override/cnecri7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CPLCHS1.BAM] loaded, 21066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CPLCHS1.BAM] to [override/CPLCHS1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cpolsw4.bam] loaded, 21066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cpolsw4.bam] to [override/cpolsw4.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/crvec9.BAM] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/crvec9.BAM] to [override/crvec9.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/culring9.bam] loaded, 17566 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/culring9.bam] to [override/culring9.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXAMULMJ.bam] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXAMULMJ.bam] to [override/CXAMULMJ.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXARMO5.bam] loaded, 14566 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXARMO5.bam] to [override/CXARMO5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXDARK1.BAM] loaded, 11466 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXDARK1.BAM] to [override/CXDARK1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXFSRING.bam] loaded, 11166 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/CXFSRING.bam] to [override/CXFSRING.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cxsnakr7.BAM] loaded, 11166 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cxsnakr7.BAM] to [override/cxsnakr7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cxsorcs4.bam] loaded, 3943 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/cxsorcs4.bam] to [override/cxsorcs4.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/czamulw.bam] loaded, 11066 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/czamulw.bam] to [override/czamulw.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ELROBE5.bam] loaded, 6266 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ELROBE5.bam] to [override/ELROBE5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/mcirc5.bam] loaded, 5291 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/mcirc5.bam] to [override/mcirc5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/necrin7.BAM] loaded, 5096 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/necrin7.BAM] to [override/necrin7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/PLCHSW1.bam] loaded, 5894 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/PLCHSW1.bam] to [override/PLCHSW1.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/plchsw7.bam] loaded, 10511 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/plchsw7.bam] to [override/plchsw7.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/POLSW2.bam] loaded, 5421 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/POLSW2.bam] to [override/POLSW2.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/polsw3.bam] loaded, 9666 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/polsw3.bam] to [override/polsw3.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/rvecn9.BAM] loaded, 4901 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/rvecn9.BAM] to [override/rvecn9.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/rztrobe.BAM] loaded, 2728 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/rztrobe.BAM] to [override/rztrobe.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/smoon0.bam] loaded, 10909 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/smoon0.bam] to [override/smoon0.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/smoon2.bam] loaded, 6995 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/smoon2.bam] to [override/smoon2.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ULRING9.bam] loaded, 6201 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ULRING9.bam] to [override/ULRING9.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/warobe5.bam] loaded, 31497 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/warobe5.bam] to [override/warobe5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XAMULMJ.bam] loaded, 5811 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XAMULMJ.bam] to [override/XAMULMJ.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XARMOW5.bam] loaded, 5358 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XARMOW5.bam] to [override/XARMOW5.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xbrbwiz3.bam] loaded, 4901 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xbrbwiz3.bam] to [override/xbrbwiz3.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xclotw7.BAM] loaded, 6786 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xclotw7.BAM] to [override/xclotw7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xdarks0.bam] loaded, 8880 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xdarks0.bam] to [override/xdarks0.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XDARKS1.BAM] loaded, 4901 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XDARKS1.BAM] to [override/XDARKS1.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XFSRING.bam] loaded, 5167 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/XFSRING.bam] to [override/XFSRING.bam]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xsnakr7.BAM] loaded, 4966 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/xsnakr7.BAM] to [override/xsnakr7.BAM]
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ZAMULWG.bam] loaded, 5161 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/copy3/ZAMULWG.bam] to [override/ZAMULWG.bam]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xclotw7.itm] loaded, 546 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xclotw7.itm] to [override/xclotw7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/UDDROW23.sto] loaded, 2112 bytes
    Patching XCLOTW7.ITM into store...
    Copied [UDDROW23.sto] to [override/UDDROW23.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/abrobe5.itm] loaded, 738 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/abrobe5.itm] to [override/abrobe5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/UDDROW23.sto] loaded, 2140 bytes
    Patching ABROBE5.ITM into store...
    Copied [UDDROW23.sto] to [override/UDDROW23.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xamulmj.itm] loaded, 450 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xamulmj.itm] to [override/xamulmj.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/FIRKRA02.cre] loaded, 1972 bytes
    Copied [FIRKRA02.cre] to [override/FIRKRA02.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3833 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/zamulwg.itm] loaded, 890 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/zamulwg.itm] to [override/zamulwg.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/OHNLANNE.cre] loaded, 2892 bytes
    Copied [OHNLANNE.cre] to [override/OHNLANNE.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xfsring.itm] loaded, 1122 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xfsring.itm] to [override/xfsring.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/SHADRA01.cre] loaded, 4112 bytes
    Copied [SHADRA01.cre] to [override/SHADRA01.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ulring9.itm] loaded, 594 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/ulring9.itm] to [override/ulring9.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/HLLAYEN.cre] loaded, 1860 bytes
    Copied [HLLAYEN.cre] to [override/HLLAYEN.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/elrobe5.itm] loaded, 738 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/elrobe5.itm] to [override/elrobe5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 836 bytes
    Patching ELROBE5.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/polsw4.itm] loaded, 362 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/polsw4.itm] to [override/polsw4.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GARLENA.sto] loaded, 3260 bytes
    Patching POLSW4.ITM into store...
    Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/warobe5.itm] loaded, 978 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/warobe5.itm] to [override/warobe5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GARLENA.sto] loaded, 3288 bytes
    Patching WAROBE5.ITM into store...
    Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3857 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/amulob9.itm] loaded, 698 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/amulob9.itm] to [override/amulob9.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/OH7300.are] loaded, 42032 bytes
    override/OH7300.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/OH7300.are, 42032 bytes
    Copied [OH7300.are] to [override/OH7300.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/rztrobe.itm] loaded, 834 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/rztrobe.itm] to [override/rztrobe.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/OHNVICRO.cre] loaded, 6444 bytes
    Copied [OHNVICRO.cre] to [override/OHNVICRO.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3881 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/bsbook.itm] loaded, 3394 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/bsbook.itm] to [override/bsbook.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR3016.are] loaded, 30808 bytes
    override/AR3016.are copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/AR3016.are, 30808 bytes
    Copied [AR3016.are] to [override/AR3016.are]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3907 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/plchsw7.itm] loaded, 2442 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/plchsw7.itm] to [override/plchsw7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/Gorsal.cre] loaded, 4084 bytes
    Copied [Gorsal.cre] to [override/Gorsal.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3936 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/mcirc.itm] loaded, 1946 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/mcirc.itm] to [override/mcirc.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GORSAL.cre] loaded, 4104 bytes
    Copied [GORSAL.cre] to [override/GORSAL.cre]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xsnakr7.itm] loaded, 306 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xsnakr7.itm] to [override/xsnakr7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    Copied [OHHHAFIZ.cre] to [override/OHHHAFIZ.cre]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3959 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xsorcs4.itm] loaded, 1962 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xsorcs4.itm] to [override/xsorcs4.itm]
    Copying and patching 2 files ...
    [./override/25SPELL.sto] loaded, 6644 bytes
    Patching XSORCS4.ITM into store...
    Copied [25SPELL.sto] to [override/25SPELL.sto]
    Patching XSORCS4.ITM into store...
    Copied [25SPELL2.sto] to [override/25SPELL2.sto]
    Appending to files ...
    [./override/TOOLTIP.2DA] loaded, 3988 bytes
    Appended text to [tooltip.2da]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xdarks4.itm] loaded, 1914 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xdarks4.itm] to [override/xdarks4.itm]
    Copying and patching 2 files ...
    [./override/25SPELL.sto] loaded, 6672 bytes
    Patching XDARKS4.ITM into store...
    Copied [25SPELL.sto] to [override/25SPELL.sto]
    [./override/25SPELL2.sto] loaded, 6700 bytes
    Patching XDARKS4.ITM into store...
    Copied [25SPELL2.sto] to [override/25SPELL2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/wa2robe.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/wa2robe.itm] to [override/wa2robe.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xbrbwiz3.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xbrbwiz3.itm] to [override/xbrbwiz3.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/WMART2.sto] loaded, 864 bytes
    Patching XBRBWIZ3.ITM into store...
    Copied [WMART2.sto] to [override/WMART2.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xarmow5.itm] loaded, 786 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/xarmow5.itm] to [override/xarmow5.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/GARLENA.sto] loaded, 3316 bytes
    Patching XARMOW5.ITM into store...
    Copied [GARLENA.sto] to [override/GARLENA.sto]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/necrin7.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
    Copied [AL_ITEM_PACK/items/necrin7.itm] to [override/necrin7.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/AR2210.are] loaded, 2496 bytes
    Copied [AR2210.are] to [override/AR2210.are]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/ring08_.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
    override/ring08_.itm copied to al_item_pack/backup/0/ring08_.itm, 258 bytes
    Copied [ring08_.itm] to [override/ring08_.itm]
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [./override/tooltip.2da] loaded, 4017 bytes
    Copied [tooltip.2da] to [override/tooltip.2da]

    Saving This Log:
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 0 Installed
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 1 Installed
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 2 Installed
    SETUP-BG2EER.TP2 0 3 Installed
    EET/EET.TP2 5 0 Installed
    EET_GUI/EET_GUI.TP2 5 0 Installed
    AL_ITEM_PACK/AL_ITEM_PACK.TP2 1 0 Installed ~Arcane Treasury mod~
    [EET/lang/ru_RU/prompts.tra] has 56 translation strings
    [EET/lang/ru_RU/setup.tra] has 18 translation strings
    [EET/lang/ru_RU/chapters.tra] has 95 translation strings
    [EET/lang/ru_RU/dialog.tra] has 37 translation strings
    [EET/lang/ru_RU/2da.tra] has 55 translation strings
    [EET/lang/ru_RU/compatibility.tra] has 6 translation strings
    [gaEnemyRando/tra/english/setup.tra] has 5 translation strings
    [dragonspear_ui++/tra/russian.tra] has 20 translation strings
    [HiddenGameplayOptions/languages/english/setup.tra] has 45 translation strings
    [HiddenGameplayOptions/languages/english/mod.tra] has 82 translation strings
    [HiddenGameplayOptions/languages/russian/setup.tra] has 45 translation strings
    [HiddenGameplayOptions/languages/russian/mod.tra] has 82 translation strings
    [al_item_pack/lang/ru_RU/Setup.tra] has 148 translation strings
    67879 characters, 138 entries added to DIALOG.TLK
    [.\lang\ru_ru\dialog.tlk] created, 275847 string entries
    [.\lang\ru_ru\dialogf.tlk] created, 275847 string entries

    SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Arcane Treasury mod

    WeiDU Timings
    EXTEND_TOP 0.000
    parsing .tra files 0.000
    <<<<<<<< 0.000
    OUTER_WHILE 0.000
    unmarshal BIFF 0.000
    adding translation strings 0.000
    OUTER_SPRINT 0.000
    OUTER_SET 0.000
    INCLUDE 0.000
    BUT_ONLY 0.000
    find local string 0.000
    parsing .log files 0.000
    APPEND 0.000
    parsing .bcs files 0.000
    ACTION_IF 0.000
    parsing .baf files 0.000
    Parsing TPP files 0.000
    Resolving LABELs 0.000
    marshal BCS 0.000
    parsing .ids files 0.016
    loading files 0.016
    strings to add 0.016
    function overhead 0.016
    saving files 0.031
    unmarshal KEY 0.047
    Parsing TPA files 0.047
    Parsing TP2 files 0.047
    add strings to TLK 0.078
    COPY 0.094
    stuff not covered elsewhere 0.218
    marshal and save TLK 0.390
    eval_pe 1.108
    READ_* 1.279
    unmarshal TLK 2.683
    process_patch2 13.385
    TOTAL 19.469
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    @skusha thanks for help! @gwaihir i hope it works, as we didn't notice anything like that before :o I also should warn that for EET-versions there are will be duplicates of items from Bg1 and BgSOD in BG2 if you keep them somewhere in Bg1 locations and then return to take them when Bg2 starts. It is recommended to have them on hero before Irenicus dungeon. I hope we will fix this issue in next versions.
  • ithildurnewithildurnew Member Posts: 277
    edited January 2022
    What BG2 always needed... even more magic items...
    I do like the idea of making an artifact level item like Robe of Vecna more difficult to obtain early game.
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    edited January 2022
    @ithildurnew it's up to you - install mod or not. The game balance is already ruined - especially if you are an experienced player and know everything. I do believe this mod will not harm. I saw a lot of mods where powerful magical items can be found here and there and rather easily - i don't like it. In this mod they are expensive to buy or difficult to get. For example new base cost of Robe of Vecna is 80 000, not 20500, what is even cheaper than Robe of the Good Archimagi. Spell Casting speed of Robe of Vecna is 3 now, not 4. I also tried to make balanced properties for new items here.
    Besides - every item has unique icon, bam - for me it brings new atmosphere. And yes - for me there is lack of certain items: for example i want to see different staffs and robes for mages: not only Staff of the Magi and Robe of Vecna as the best option. And this mod brings it.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    I recently played with this mod, and I really liked it a lot. The items are quite unique and are not easily obtaineable due to their cost, which is great in my opinion. Thank you Aleksandr12
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    I recently played with this mod, and I really liked it a lot. The items are quite unique and are not easily obtaineable due to their cost, which is great in my opinion. Thank you Aleksandr12

    Thanks a lot :) glad you enjoyed it
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Did you intend to continue working on this mod?
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    Endarire wrote: »
    Did you intend to continue working on this mod?

    @Endarire i have already wrote you via direct - you may send me your stone (item-file, bam, description, and where you want to place it) i'll try to add it. But i can't tell the exact time when new version of mode is ready.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Just discovering your mod. Do you have a list with all items and their descrption ? Or other ways to do it ?

    From the readme, their is only one modified item : The Robe of vecna. Just for confirmation it is not a replacement ?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I too am curious about the status of this mod.

  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2022
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Just discovering your mod. Do you have a list with all items and their descrption ? Or other ways to do it ?

    From the readme, their is only one modified item : The Robe of vecna. Just for confirmation it is not a replacement ?
    In readme there are names of all items and their location in game, but without description. Do you need description? Perhaps i will add it in readme of mod's version 2. Robe of Vecna is modified: power is reduced a little and price is much higher.
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    Endarire wrote: »
    I too am curious about the status of this mod.


    In process
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited August 2022
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Just discovering your mod. Do you have a list with all items and their descrption ? Or other ways to do it ?

    From the readme, their is only one modified item : The Robe of vecna. Just for confirmation it is not a replacement ?
    In readme there are names of all items and their location in game, but without description. Do you need description? Perhaps i will add it in readme of mod's version 2. Robe of Vecna is modified: power is reduced a little and price is much higher.

    I have been checking few items at random : get the item code name by copying .itm name file; use the console to see the item... They look great, i like the icons. They seem to be quite OP but it should do fine with my hardcore philosophy : insane difficulty, Ascension, mih_eq, Butchery, SCS at max, creatures with max hp, ... I am not even to be able to leave Candlekeep.

    A separate list for the description of the items (eventually including itme codes the robe of vecna) would be great not for spoiler but to feel your items. I do start to like fully documented mods to prepare my install orders.

    About load order, i don't know if other mods tweak the robe of vecna. Any idea ?
    Post edited by Mordekaie on
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2022
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Just discovering your mod. Do you have a list with all items and their descrption ? Or other ways to do it ?

    I have been checking few items at random : get the item code name by copying .tpm name file; use the console to see the item... They look great, i like the icons. They seem to be quite OP but it should do fine with my hardcore philosophy : insane difficulty, Ascension, mih_eq, Butchery, SCS at max, creatures with max hp, ... I am not even to be able to leave Candlekeep.

    A separate list for the description of the items (eventually including itme codes the robe of vecna) would be great not for spoiler but to feel your items. I do start to like fully documented mods to prepare my install orders.

    About load order, i don't know if other mods tweak the robe of vecna. Any idea ?

    High difficulty is recommended, yes. As mods which make the game harder. But items are not easy to get. They can be obtained at high prices in stores or in battles with bosses - i tried not to ruin the balance. About Robe of Vecna - i installed this mod after tweaks, everything should be ok i guess. Modified Robe of Vecna has the stats below:
    - Armor Class: 4
    - Magic Resistance: +10%
    - Improves casting speed by 3
    - Can memorize two extra 7th-level wizard spell
    it also has new icon-bam and it's base price is 80 000 instead of 19 000 (or something like that - i do not remember exactly).
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    I’ve been using this mod for a while and I like its mindset. It makes these powerful items with considerably higher cost. So you see them, but can’t buy them easily. Or even if you do, only one at a time after a long grind. I like this a lot, it gives you additional goal to achieve.

    I have just one minor misspell to report for English version. In some items’ descriptions and titles, ‘cloak’ was spelled as ‘cloack’.

    Thanks for this mod
  • Alexander12Alexander12 Member Posts: 49
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    I’ve been using this mod for a while and I like its mindset. It makes these powerful items with considerably higher cost. So you see them, but can’t buy them easily. Or even if you do, only one at a time after a long grind. I like this a lot, it gives you additional goal to achieve.

    I have just one minor misspell to report for English version. In some items’ descriptions and titles, ‘cloak’ was spelled as ‘cloack’.

    Thanks for this mod

    Oh, thanks a lot - i will fix cloak in version 2 :)
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