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Describe your bhaalspawn!

4 hours in and this is my lil dude. Gnome fighter/illusionist. 18 str, 18 dex, 18 con, 19 int, 5 wis, 6 cha. * ninjato/wak/scim, * katana, ** crossbow. Would it be wise to invest in dual wielding? Or better off with a single weapon for when I'm not hanging around using my crossbow? Share your characters!


  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Human female chaotic neutral Jester.
    12Str 18dex 16con 17int 12wis 18char
    Main weapon is crossbow, almost enough money to buy crossbow of speed.
    Playtstyle: Stay at the back, shooting my crossbow and focusing on control spells like charm, sleep, grease, web...etc + of course the jester song to confuse my enemies.
  • MuximoMuximo Member Posts: 10
    Jester, I like that idea a lot! Never played a bard before but your char sounds interesting!
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    edited November 2012
    Mine hasn't hatched yet. Still Looks a bit like tapioca pudding.
    Post edited by salieri on
  • MuximoMuximo Member Posts: 10
    Huh? Can jesters fire bolts while playing their song?
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Muximo said:

    Huh? Can jesters fire bolts while playing their song?

    No, but you can quickly switch back to singing after firing.
    A tactic I've been using a lot lately is casting grease with my jester + sleep with Neera then switching to singing while my other party members shoot missle weapons. Works realy well.
    Usually I'm only shooting my crossbow is at the end of a fight when there is only 1 or 2 enemy left. When there are more, singing/spells are more effective imo.
  • MuximoMuximo Member Posts: 10
    Nice, sounds like a fun pc.
  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    edited November 2012
    Muximo said:

    Nice, sounds like a fun pc.

    Yeah I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Very different from my previous ones, where my charname was in the middle of the fighting most of the time.
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