Describe your bhaalspawn!

4 hours in and this is my lil dude. Gnome fighter/illusionist. 18 str, 18 dex, 18 con, 19 int, 5 wis, 6 cha. * ninjato/wak/scim, * katana, ** crossbow. Would it be wise to invest in dual wielding? Or better off with a single weapon for when I'm not hanging around using my crossbow? Share your characters!
12Str 18dex 16con 17int 12wis 18char
Main weapon is crossbow, almost enough money to buy crossbow of speed.
Playtstyle: Stay at the back, shooting my crossbow and focusing on control spells like charm, sleep, grease, web...etc + of course the jester song to confuse my enemies.
A tactic I've been using a lot lately is casting grease with my jester + sleep with Neera then switching to singing while my other party members shoot missle weapons. Works realy well.
Usually I'm only shooting my crossbow is at the end of a fight when there is only 1 or 2 enemy left. When there are more, singing/spells are more effective imo.