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Overpowered Kit mods for mages and clerics?

StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
I know the subject is controversial, but I am looking for a super overpowered kit mod for clerics and mages.

I usually avoid playing clerics and mages, and I am looking for something to really sweeten the deal. Hope you can help getting ahead

I am well aware of the shear power a specialist mage or sorcerer has, but the constant micromanaging is getting the better of me.

I am hoping for something with cool resistances (either (any kind of) damage or spells.

Can somebody recommend me something ridiculously overpowered ? I have only a few requirements:

1) No spell casting like sorcerers (I want to use my spell book freely),
2) no barred schools of magic, and
3) no guides and comments about getting the best out your mage.


  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    1) No spell casting like sorcerers (I want to use my spell book freely),

    The RestBeGone mod will continually restore any spells that you use once combat is over, and also enables you to switch the memorized spells in your books without having to rest (essentially functioning like many modern RPGs).

  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    The RestBeGone looks awesome. This will surely come up in my install at some point.

    I have stumbled upon a cleric kit called: Priest of Tempus, from the Return to Trademeet kit pack.

    I has +1 to damage and Thaco from level 1-10 amongst other fine perks. Major drawbacks are no ranged weapons and -2 to wisdom... I think I can live with that.

    Now I only need a mage kit...
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    Even if you ruled out sorcerers I'd suggest to take a look at the Chaos Sorcerer kit.

    While the kit still gains spells in a sorcerer-like fashion, its key feature allows you to choose from potentially every spell available to the game if you don't mind the occasional side effect of having your gold destroyed, changed your gender or being polymorphed into an animal.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Hi @argent77
    Thank you - It looks awesome. Fairly balanced, and with with reloading spamming it could fill the OP requirements. I have kept it for later
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,523
    edited April 2021
    Thank you - It looks awesome. Fairly balanced, and with with reloading spamming it could fill the OP requirements. I have kept it for later

    For more overpowered cheese you could exploit a bug present in all Infinity Engine games including all EE versions which allows you to cast an infinite amount of spells without spending memorized slots at Improved Alacrity speed (see spoilers below).

    You have to pause the game before casting "Chaotic Weave". If the bug is triggered then the game doesn't remove the spell selection list after casting a spell and you can continue to cast as many spells from the list as you want as long as you don't select another character in between.

    Moreover, these spells are cast without any more wild surges attached (except for the hardcoded 5% chance of wild surges). Probability of triggering this bug decreases with progressing levels though, and vanishes at caster level 20 completely.
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