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Best items to buy get Chapter 3

DGDKamiDGDKami Member Posts: 34
OK so i'm at chapter 3, already paid Gaelan and got the robe of Vecna. I want to know what are the best items to get early on before go to rescue Imoen, wether they can be found on quests or purchased.

I have Misnc, Jaheira, Aerie, Nalia and Yoshimo in my party (im probably replacing the latter for Imoen when i get her).
Post edited by NaturalBornKieler on


  • DGDKamiDGDKami Member Posts: 34
    OK man thanks, i think this cover everything
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,936
    It's also seriously overkill. Way too much on that list. You don't need it all, and if you're planning on Imoen in your permanent party you'd be well served going there sooner with less stuff so she doesn't fall too far behind the party in experience. After all, when Imoen joins, she'll have no more than 1.25 million XP.

    So, then, what do you really need? Well, let's take a look at the specific challenges you'll face in the Underdark that you aren't facing already.

    - A plot-relevant enemy that requires +3 weapons to hit.
    The obvious answer to this is to get +3 weapons for, at the very least, all of your warriors.
    Minsc can wield Lilarcor (sewers under Copper Coronet) or the Mace of Disruption (chapter 3 vampire lair). Incidentally, you don't need to do the Unseeing Eye quest first to do the illithium quest and get the mace upgraded.
    Jaheira can wield Blackblood (Trademeet merchant, after dealing with the druids and the genies). Or, if you're really desperate, a +3 staff from any number of places.
    Your protagonist (Cavalier, from your other threads) ... that depends on what they're proficient in. And I don't know what that is.
    The spellcasting back line (Aerie, Imoen, Nalia) ... there aren't that many ways to get a +3 ranged weapon. You might just have to live with them being unable to take effective shots on occasion. There's one sling that hits at better than +2 (the Sling of Everard, very expensive from Joluv). There's one bow that hits at +3 (Tansheron's bow from a Trademeet merchant). And you can't buy, find, or steal +3 ammo anywhere in Amn.
    Well, OK, there is one way to increase your collection of +3 ranged weapons. Visit Watcher's Keep. The merchant Sister Garlena sells the best crossbow in the game - Firetooth, which hits as +4 if you don't equip any ammo. If you put Nalia's level 12 proficiency into crossbow, she'll be able to use that effectively. And inside level 1, you can find the Crimson Dart, a +3 returning dart for either Imoen or Nalia.

    - A shortage of arrows. All of the enemy ranged attackers wield crossbows, so you'll be swimming in magical bolts. But none of them drop arrows. You can buy some, but not the special ones - just normal arrows and a limited supply of +2 arrows.
    Again, Watcher's Keep can help you out here. Switch to crossbow, switch to dart, or pick up the Quiver of Plenty +1 (infinite +1 arrows) and the Ammo Belt (stores up to 2000 arrows/bolts/bullets/darts).

    - Beholders. You simply cannot fight beholders fairly. Maybe one at a time, but when there's a group of them - and there will be - you need an answer.
    There are lots of different tricks you can use for beholders, but for a beginner the Shield of Balduran is the clear winner. Complete immunity to beholder rays, so that warrior can wade in and clear out all of them. They'll even speed things up by reflecting the rays back on themselves.
    Actually, it's not the only way you could pull off complete immunity. The Cloak of Mirroring (found in the Sahuagin city just before the Underdark) grants immunity to all of the damage and instant death rays. That just leaves Slow, Paralysis, Charm, Domination, and Fear. Your cavalier is naturally immune to Charm, Domination, and Fear, and can gain immunity to Slow and Paralysis from the ring of free action found in Spellhold.

    - Illithids. If you're not ready for them, they'll wreck you. Mind blasts to stun you, and then their melee attacks auto-hit and kill you with Int drain in no time.
    This one ... items aren't what will save you. Stun immunity is very hard to come by; the only item I can think of is the short sword Mazzy comes with, and that's only usable by halflings. Instead, everyone who fights illithids will need protection with either unbeatable spell saves (buff with potions of invulnerability/stone form) or the 5th level priest spell Chaotic Commands.
    Well, OK, you'll probably want to bring some Int-boosting potions with you too. Minsc and Jaheira go down in two hits each to illithids if you don't temporarily improve their intelligence.

    - A lack of temple services. There's no temple that offers healing services in the Underdark, and no way to get to one.
    This one's mostly answered with your priests, but picking up a rod of resurrection can help too. Ribald sells one, and you can find another in Mekrath's lair; it's in his container, which can be opened once you either kill him or convince him to leave.

    In addition to looking for gear, you should also do any "loyalty" missions for your party members. In this party, that's just Nalia's keep. And possibly your stronghold - to do the paladin stronghold, you should head to the WIndspear Hills. But don't face the dragon yet - save that for chapter 6.

    If your Cavalier is male, you fulfill the requirements for a romance with either Aerie or Jaheira. Progress that as far as it goes naturally, but don't sweat "finishing" it.

    So, my recommendation for places to go:
    - Small quests around Athkatla, like the Copper Coronet back rooms and sewers.
    - Nalia's keep.
    - Watcher's Keep first floor, but not the boss fight.
    - Trademeet and the Druid Grove.
    - The chapter 3 plot.
    - Maybe the Windspear Hills, but not the dragon at the end.
    - Any other bits you feel like.

    And once you're at 1.25 million protagonist XP, wrap things up and get ready to head out.
  • BroninBronin Member Posts: 29

    I would recommend this walkthrough based on the questions you are asking in this forum:

    Again, it is for the original IE game not the enhanced edition but the walkthrough is very thorough. As far as I know the enhanced edition does not add very much content and leaves the rest of the game the same as the IE game.

    However, there be spoilers in abundance. I don’t agree with his comments on religion. I also don’t like some of the techniques he describes such as drinking multiple potions of the same type to stack their effect (which I think is exploiting game mechanics). These things aside, you may find the walkthrough very useful and I feel it is well organized.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    shield of balduran ( +3 medium shield that makes you invincible to beholders, although not to an elder orb's imprisonment )

    For me, this item is a virtual must. I don't depart for Spellhold OR begin the Unseeing Eye quest unless I have this first.
  • DGDKamiDGDKami Member Posts: 34
    Ok thanks guys, this pretty much covers everything
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