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Faction bug

It happens when i log in that i see npc as enemy and monsters as the server see me as a monster faction.
If i log out or die and regen all back to normal.
the same things happens to npc that sometimes they fight against each other.
I didn't change ai or similar. Could be the cause the Henchai 1.08 in my override folder? or where i suppose to check?


  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 455
    Not enough information. Are you talking about a module you made?
  • Talon79Talon79 Member Posts: 10
    is a module maded by me and some friends years ago. I try understad what could possible influece faction in this way..i saw henchai was not the problem :/
  • Talon79Talon79 Member Posts: 10
    Some info: i have Cep 2.6 and the Dmfi. it happens not to all player at same time. i try change with faction wand the problem but seems the only sure way is logging out a min then log again .
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 455
    That is more helpful. I don't know enough about factions to really be able to help. The more details you can give, the more likely someone on here will be able to point you in the right direction.
  • Talon79Talon79 Member Posts: 10
    The module didn'ìt have this problem before but we upgraded from the 1.69 and cep 2.0 version
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