[mod] Redone Ir'revrykal the Unholy Reaver
Ir'revrykal the Unholy Reaver
Equipped Abilities:
10% Magic Resistance
Combat Abilities:
Dropbox Link
Equipped Abilities:
10% Magic Resistance
Combat Abilities:
- Miscast Magic affects targets when hit, inflicting 80% chance of spell casting failure for 3 rounds. Creatures may save at save vs spells at -2 to negate. Does not affect innate abilities
- Cumulative 2 THACO penalty per hit against target, lasting 2 rounds
- THAC0: +6 bonus, +5 extra vs Good alignment
- Damage: 1D12+6
- Damage type: slashing
- Weight: 10
- Speed Factor: 4
- Proficiency Type: Two-Handed Sword
- Type: Two-Handed
- Requires: 14 Strength
- Usable by: Blackguard
Dropbox Link
Post edited by Bracchus on
How EET compatible is this?
should be fine with anything, all it does is change one description string for that sword in dialog and put the modded item file in your override