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Playing Multiplayer.

Can you only play the game via LAN? can you connect over the internet or is that a patch/Add on later down the line. Surely that should have made it to the final release? biggest selling point of BG:EE multiplayer connectivity.


  • Origin88Origin88 Member Posts: 71
    So far only way i have gotten it to work is via hamachi.
    Hope theyre patching it soon.
  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263
    I hate Hamachi, Gameranger is like so much better and simpler. I tried hamachi before and it was just a right faff.
  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263
    @Origin88, could you explain how to set up a hamachi game in simple terms may be useful, If im going to try it I want to know what to do :P
  • Origin88Origin88 Member Posts: 71
    Dont know how anything can be simpler then hamachi, its pretty straightforward.

    Download and install, choose a username, youll automaticly be given an hamachi IP of your own.

    Then you just create a network, choose a name and password and give those to the people you want to play with.

    Once everyone is in your hamachi network, you create a multiplayer game and they connect to your hamachi IP.

    And thats about it, hope its helpful to you ;)
  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263
    Gameranger is easier than that, doesn't support enhanced edition yet.

    Download Gameranger,
    make a login,
    host a server, invite your friends
    click play
    starts up game in the multiplayer menu.

    does everything automatically, im going to give hamachi a go.
  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263

    so which is the Ip Address of Hamachi, its a little confusing :P
  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263
    @Origin88, sorry last message Ive made a network is it just a case of setting up a game and he will be able to play?
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