Problem customizing packages
Lately i’ve been toying around with custom packages.
I added 2 new packages to packages.2da using fighter as one’s base and cleric as the other’s base.
I set up new packft****.2da for both of them, as well as skill ones. Skills work just fine.
But when it gets to feats things get a little weird.
2DA V2.0
FeatIndex Label
0 107 WeapFocGSw
1 28 PowerAtk
2 6 Cleave
3 101 WeapFocLongBow
4 27 PBShot
5 145 WeapSpeGSw
6 10 Dodge
7 391 GreatCleave
8 69 ImpCritGSw
9 63 ImpCritLongBow
10 139 WeapSpeLongBow
11 26 Mobility
12 392 SpringAttack
13 23 KnockDown
14 5 CShot
15 30 RapidShot
16 408 BlindFight
17 19 ImpPower
18 21 ImpStrike
That feat list works fine for a fighter npc (Based upon Regdar) levelling up to lvl 20, with henchmen functions or using the level up wizard in the toolset. I had to avoid some feats that where not accepted on any of the level up methods.
But when it comes to the cleric…
2DA V2.0
FeatIndex Label
0 0 Alertness
1 7 CmbtCast
2 13 ExtTurn
3 94 WeapFocLgMace
4 36 SpellPen
5 169 SpellFocusEvo
6 401 GreatSpellPen
7 397 GrSpllFcsEvc
… everything works until Extra Turning. After that engine only accept crafting or epic feats (scribe scroll, epic mummy dust).
I have checked feats.2da to see if there was anything regarding requirements, but nopes.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I added 2 new packages to packages.2da using fighter as one’s base and cleric as the other’s base.
I set up new packft****.2da for both of them, as well as skill ones. Skills work just fine.
But when it gets to feats things get a little weird.
2DA V2.0
FeatIndex Label
0 107 WeapFocGSw
1 28 PowerAtk
2 6 Cleave
3 101 WeapFocLongBow
4 27 PBShot
5 145 WeapSpeGSw
6 10 Dodge
7 391 GreatCleave
8 69 ImpCritGSw
9 63 ImpCritLongBow
10 139 WeapSpeLongBow
11 26 Mobility
12 392 SpringAttack
13 23 KnockDown
14 5 CShot
15 30 RapidShot
16 408 BlindFight
17 19 ImpPower
18 21 ImpStrike
That feat list works fine for a fighter npc (Based upon Regdar) levelling up to lvl 20, with henchmen functions or using the level up wizard in the toolset. I had to avoid some feats that where not accepted on any of the level up methods.
But when it comes to the cleric…
2DA V2.0
FeatIndex Label
0 0 Alertness
1 7 CmbtCast
2 13 ExtTurn
3 94 WeapFocLgMace
4 36 SpellPen
5 169 SpellFocusEvo
6 401 GreatSpellPen
7 397 GrSpllFcsEvc
… everything works until Extra Turning. After that engine only accept crafting or epic feats (scribe scroll, epic mummy dust).
I have checked feats.2da to see if there was anything regarding requirements, but nopes.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.