A script with no void main and no startingconditional

I've been trying to create a script file with nothing but useful functions that I'll be using as an "include". However, the editor can't seem to understand that and will not compile it, and then it ends up having no effect in game. I'll literally invert an operator in a talent check but nothing changes when I test it. Why is that? Am I just being stupid? Is there a workaround?
Once you've compiled your functions you can always block remark it like this
That way if you edit any of your code you only have to delete the remark start and end to recompile.
To test whether there are errors in your include file you can temporarily add a blank void main() add the end of your include file so the editor can compile the script but that's only for testing purpose. Before you compile the module you have to remove the void main() again.
I think that's what I was doing wrong. There was another script with the include that was not compiling properly. Thanks for that info.