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What is the best wish option, in the situation pictured here:

What is the best wish option, in this situation:

Text of the options (duplicates picture content):
1. Incur bad luck on everyone in the area, including party members.
2. Cast a double-length time stop and improved alacrity on the caster.
3. Temporarily remove half the caster's HP.
4. Party loses 10000 GP.
5. Bring a "meteor swarm" down upon the caster.

Relevant facts about the situation:
- There are no current enemies, but Vithal is about to return from his final trip into the elemental planes.
- This wish has been cast by a projected image of the (dragon disciple) protagonist, and the djinn is speaking to that image.
- This image has already summoned a planetar and prepared a 3x Incendiary Cloud chain contingency.
- The entire party is currently immune to fire (100% or more resistance), and the protagonist is wearing the cloak of mirroring.
- The protagonist is wearing the robe of Vecna and amulet of power, for the best possible casting speed.
- This was played in BG2EE 2.5, with mods including SCS. While some of these wish spells have been altered slightly, that's all for AI scripting purposes; no substantive changes have been made to their effects.

I'll post my answers to this one tomorrow, when I put up the part of the run that the picture comes from.
  1. What is the best wish option, in the situation pictured here:8 votes
    1. Oh, it's bad luck to be you
    2. A big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff
    3. I don't feel so good
    4. Tax time
    5. Death from above


  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Depends on who else is in your party I suppose, but a temporary level penalty doesn't seem to be a game changer in the situation you describe. You'll still be able to cast some pretty awesome level 5 and 6 spells.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,898
    edited April 2021
    Not levels, just HP. And only for the caster (the image). That is indeed a pretty harmless one.

    The level drain penalty is a different wish; two levels lost for the whole party, permanent until restored. It didn't come up this time, and I've never taken it.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Which option were you aiming for that is not in the list? Wish rest? I mostly use wish in combat or near creatures.

    If you want to kill him then swarm, the rest is void unless you want to prep a few delayed blast fireballs, then take the alacrity and timestop combo.
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    Ah, i did not know the image would then create money and I also did not know the planetar would go hostile in scs.
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