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NPCs Are Not Maturing

I'm creating a separate post for this issue because it stopped me from playing.

Once my Archer reached level 2, I recruited Misc (who should be level 2) and he was level 1. I kicked out all the other party members and tried again. Still level 1. I went up to Friendly Arm and Jaheira/Khalid were also level 1 (I hadn't touched them yet and they should be level 2). Here is a link with the original NPC level info:

If this is not a bug, it would fundamentally change the game. A huge part of the fun for me is having different NPCs in the party. The original game would, more or less, match a new NPCs level with that of the PC, which made sense. If the NPCs don't mature on their own, you will be forced to race around to collect your permanent party and be severely penalized for using other NPCs later, especially level 1 NPCs (Imoen, Xzar, Montaron, Khalid, Jaheira, Kagain, Garrick, Minsc, Edwin, Dynaheir). I don't know the starting level of the new characters, but they might be part of that list as well. You would basically have to micromanage your level based upon when you were going to encounter a desired NPC.

Is this the plan or a bug?


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    edited November 2012
    It not really a bug. Each NPC has set levels at which they can join your party. The game tries to match the npc as closely to you level as possible, but it is unlikely to match exactly.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438

    Here is a link with the original NPC level info:

    At the top of the page you linked to is the following line:
    "The following tables show the NPCs after they have been fixed/modified by DudleyFix. Text marked in red shows the more obvious changes/additions."
    It's possble the values for what levels NPCs should start at were changed with this mod (although they aren't marked in red, and I would consider them an "obvious change/addition"). That may be why the values are different for BG:EE.
  • WinedoggerWinedogger Member Posts: 17
    @ajwz The link above shows the set levels you are referring to. What I'm saying is that BGEE is not doing this.

    @TJ_Hooker The levels were correct for BG1. Dudley only changed the things in red.
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