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Good saving throws on a tall character?

Say I wanted to bolster my saving throws without playing a shorty, what are my options?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    paladins get a +2 bonus to all saves

    in the hell trial ( the bottom left one i believe ) if you take the good path ( not kill the djinni and give him the sword ) then you also get another +2 bonus to all saves

    plus all the items out there that give saving throw bonuses
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    There is no way to max saving throws when playing a tall character, but the paladin's +2 bonus is as close as you can get. Alternatively you can rely on spell immunity, chaotic commands, or berserker immunities. Or you can use different tactics (projected image etc) to lessen your need to make saves.
  • Very_BigSwordVery_BigSword Member Posts: 222
    Brute force option is to roll a halfling or dwarf anyway and use EEkeeper to change your sprite to a tall race. Also amend stat bonus/penalty for race. It won't change your race under the hood though so dialogue references, romances etc will still refer to you as a dwarf. At least you won't be short though.
  • FenrirWolfgangerFenrirWolfganger Member Posts: 31
    Who else hear's the Skee-Lo song "I wish"?
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