Nalia kidnapped bug

She got kidnapped in the graveyard, her fiancé spawned on top of a crypt. She got taken and I can’t get the fellow to spawn and start the rest of the quest. Playing Xbox version, any solutions? Cant restart as I’ve already done a lot of game.
There's a guy who is supposed to approach you directly after Nalia's abduction, Khellor Ahmson, who tells you to go to the Docks District. Is he the one who didn't spawn?
Can you look around in the area where Nalia was abducted, if he's somewhere but can't approach you for some reason?
I suppose by "can't restart" you mean that your last save before she was abducted was too long ago? If you don't find the guy somewhere in the area where Roenall took Nalia, I'm afraid you'll have to load the latest save before the abduction. If you don't have any quicksaves or hard saves before that, the last autosave should do, if you didn't leave the area already. If you left the area and can't find the guy there when you go back, I have no idea, because console commands don't work on Xbox.
Barg, the guy in the Docks District, only spawns after Ahmson points you to him, so you won't be able to continue the quest otherwise.
Reloading might be your only choice if you can't find Ahmson somewhere.