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getting the original movies in enhanced edition

ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
edited November 2012 in General Modding
When I get home, I will try taking the original intro and see if I could get it to play as the intro. I miss the original. My question is if we could possibly mod in the movies that have been removed, such as gnoll stronghold. It isn't important, but it is a big complaint to many. I could deal with it, but it would be great to have them.
Post edited by ChildofBhaal599 on


  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    well, that failed :( i tried to move a video to the movies folder under the name of nashkell.wbm, renaming the one already in there. it just loaded nothing. if i actually converted to a .wbm file, does anyone think it would run?
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    If you managed somehow to convert the old movie files to the format that Beamdog has chosen - yes absolutely. The players tend to be "stupid" and just loads whatever file it is told to regardless of length as long as it exists in the folder.

    Only exception to this are ingame movies that run alongside the game (cutscenes, games using movies as backgrounds - but BG uses neither)
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Mansen thats what i thought. i have done this kind of replacing before. if i could get a .wmb converter, i could probably load any video in a video's place. i tried placing the old video files in because i was unsure of if it was still supposed to look for that before the new one, but it didnt. i plan to play the first time through with the new video's just to see them, but i think in future playthrough i would like to see the old again.
  • ShnizmuffiNShnizmuffiN Member Posts: 16
    VLC can decode and play WBM videos, but it can't encode them. I looked for a few tools, but all the results were for another sort of file, the "Wireless Bitmap" and/or Google's "WebM" video. Neither of these are what you're looking for.

    I can't even figure out what program was originally used to encode the video.

    You remember that scene in Apollo 13, when mission control dumped a bunch of crap on a table and said, essentially, "we've got to fit this round peg into this square hole," using socks and duct tape? Yeah...
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Shnizmuffin yeah, that is what i got from my own search. i dont know how they made them, or how i could convert to them. it would be nice if they did allow us to play with the old. there was nothing wrong. if they didnt make new, they wouldn't feel to out of place because the graphics didnt much change except for better resolution. i was hoping modding in some way could make it all possible, but i am not an experienced modder, and have never modded or made mods for baldurs gate at all.
  • ShnizmuffiNShnizmuffiN Member Posts: 16

    i was hoping modding in some way could make it all possible

    I think the best bet might be to see whether the player supports multiple video formats, and test out a bunch (just random videos, until you find one that fires, then do all the conversion work). I wouldn't know where to go to find those filepaths, though. I have a sneaking suspicion that the player supports MPEGs.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Those old movies are really low resolution, if you have run the widescreen mod and BGT mod you could see them in the BG2 engine. They are tiny and very limited colors. I wouldn't recommend messing with them
  • AlequeAleque Member Posts: 149
    I would love the possibility to watch old movies as well.
    And BG1 spell casting sounds.
  • mister_ennuimister_ennui Member Posts: 98
    I do hope that someone is able to create a mod that restores the original movies (i'd even pay for official DLC that did it). The lack of the originals is now such a deal-breaker for me that I will not be playing BG:EE despite having paid for it.

    I knew the original movies were going to be replaced, but had assumed that:

    a) all the originals would be replaced (in fact over half have not been);

    b) they would contain all the essential elements of the originals (unlike the new intro movie that drops the important "There are others..." line); and

    c) they would be faithful in mood to the originals (the new versions are often not).
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @mister_ennui it didnt feel right when i went to gnoll stronghold and saw nothing :(
  • Sam_Sam_ Member Posts: 172
    The new movies are actually WebM ( files with a different extension. They can be played in firefox if you change the extension to .webm :-P
  • mister_ennuimister_ennui Member Posts: 98
    edited December 2012

    That is excellent work!

    Presumably the ten that you've managed to get working so far are the ones for which there are BG:EE replacements? I'm guessing getting the remainder to work won't be as straightforward?

  • Sam_Sam_ Member Posts: 172


    That is excellent work!

    Presumably the ten that you've managed to get working so far are the ones for which there are BG:EE replacements? I'm guessing getting the remainder to work won't be as straightforward?

    Correct. Next step starts with modifying MOVIDESC.2DA and baldur.ini, the latter to make sure I can get this version of the game to recognize additional movies. I'm hoping it will work the same as it did in BG2.

  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Sam_ that is awesome. thank you, i couldn't find it out in any way i tried. if you could upload the 10 movies, i would definitely want to try that out. i already passed the camp and am in baldurs gate, so I would need something further through the game. i cant wait until we can get all the videos back as well. please update me when you find that out because after my first playthrough i never want to see these new movies again. excellent work :)
  • Sam_Sam_ Member Posts: 172
    I have some great news. They left all of the old strings in the dialog.tlk, and the commands to play the movies were left in the area scripts (*.bcs), so all you'll have to do is overwrite the movies (there are two locations), dump the new MOVIDESC.2DA into the override folder, and you're all set. I have all of the original 31 movies (including the credits) plus the new The Black Pitts movies properly converted and working in game, complete with the proper strings in the GUI's MOVIE section under Options. Note that the original logo type movies are no longer used by the game, so the only way to watch them (if you would even want to?) is to watch them through the GUI dialog (which will also require some quick editing of your Baldur.ini). I'll post a full set of instructions when I upload the archive. Once WeiDU officially supports BGEE, I'll see if we can't turn this into a real mod. Until then, I'm not sure it's worth it.

    For the record, I like most of the new movies fine. I just wanted to see if I *could* get the old movies working in the game :) .
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Sam_ i will await your instructions. i want to finish up my first playthrough to see all of the new movies before i go changing it all, but after that i dont ever want to see them again. thats one problem down, now i am only left with the dumbed down random encounters, but i am sure somebody is already working on fixing that :)
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    Please send me a notification if you had success. I wish I could do this too. (Just mention my name like this in this post: @Sese79 Thanks.)
  • mister_ennuimister_ennui Member Posts: 98

    You put that together quickly!

    Once I have the chance to try it out, i'll be sure to post any issues I come across on the SHS forum.

    Thanks for your work. I'm sure there is going to be a lot of interest in this mod.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Sam_ thank you so much. i have been taking my time and want to play with all the new movies just once, so i will get around to putting that in after i am done my first playthrough.
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
  • PerusoePerusoe Member Posts: 46

    Downloading now. There's two files. One is 118 Mb and the other is 110 Mb. I didn't know which one, so I'm downloading them both. :P

  • enoch0oenoch0o Member Posts: 28
    @Sam_ thanks alot!This is awesome!
  • Sam_Sam_ Member Posts: 172
    edited December 2012
    BG: EE Classic Movies
    Version 0.03

    Re-enable the Beregost movie when you first travel to the area.

  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    Excellent initiative!
    ah Yes, i wanted that damn good old Nietzsche quote too (and such a good intro quote btw..and so interesting with what is right now happening in our Occident IRL under our own eyes..^^).. :)
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    Thank you Sam! I knew someone would come through.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Sam_ the installer is giving me this error
    FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find DIALOG>TLK")
    i am not sure where all of those files are located, so i either need the installer or to know where everything should go. only stuff i can find are the ones in the data 00766 folder.
  • Sam_Sam_ Member Posts: 172
    See this post on the official support/discussion topic for the mod at SHS:
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