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NWN:EE PW Choices

I was thinking of picking up NWN:EE soon and am really curious about PW. I have a bunch of questions about it. Here goes:

1. Which PW’s are the most popular? (In terms of numbers)
2. Which PW’s are D&D rich? (Specifically Forgotten Realms)
3. Which PW’s are the largest in map/scale size?
4. Which PW’s are best suited for an Assassin/Thief type player who likes to play alone, but also dabble in some party work for tough loot?
5. Are quests similar to the single player experience or does a DM (I guess there’s DM’s. I don’t know) make them up for you?
6. I want a challenge!! Something tough, even brutal!! Unforgiving traps, a well placed dagger in the back of a Vampire.

I think that’s a good start for me. Really getting the jones for online play. I used to play a lot of D&D online and really enjoyed the gameplay. WOW just couldn’t compete IMO. Or any fantasy online game for that matter. Peace


  • Maleficents_KissMaleficents_Kiss Member Posts: 36
    It's hard to say which would be the best specifically for what you're looking for but if you want a challenge I'd at least like to reach out and invite you to give Forgotten Realms Cormyr a shot. We try to stay as true to Forgotten Realms as possible and have even done our best(always trying to improve of course) to implement some more pnp style elements. I will say if you're trying to play a true thief it's going to be challenging but in time should be a rewarding experience.

    If you're interested in giving us a shot we can be found at...
    or on the discord at:

    I'm usually in the discord if you have questions and my phone is on me most of the time so I'll do my best to respond to questions as quickly as possible. I do tend to check this board several times per day at the same time and there are others in the discord as well who are willing to answer questions. :)
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    @Maleficents_Kiss Thanks for your reply!?? What is the size and scale of the overworld and dungeons? I’m big on gameplay and not so much on RP. But I like a little RP. Assassins aren’t typically the talkative type.
  • Maleficents_KissMaleficents_Kiss Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2021
    The world itself is most of Cormyr including full cities spanning multiple zones and interiors such as inn's, shops, etc(Suzail, Arabel, and Marsember are a few of the cities for example) connected by areas(again, multiple zones of hills, forests, grasslands, etc) you can travel to and from either on road or via wagon for a small fee. In terms of dungeons...I'm honestly not sure on an actual number but there are a lot since adventure RP is one of the big aspects of original forgotten realms and dnd in general. We do have a 7 day dungeon rule that goes into effect at level 6 and this is on the honor system. Basically this rule just asks players to not run the same dungeon more than once per week and it's mostly to prevent farming the same place continually and to encourage players to branch out, explore, and seek new challenges. We are always adding new content including dungeons and new zones, especially more lately since we've added more people to our design team. In the lower and mid levels up to epic there should be plenty of dungeons you can visit which vary in length and challenge. As a solo assassin/thief you're going to find the challenge to be difficult as most of the dungeons are designed with groups in mind, however, if you do find some allies along the way(which it's almost hard not to) you'll absolutely fill a role on FRC that in general tends to be more rare at this current time. In terms of epic content there is a bit less but the epic scaled dungeons tend to be quite a bit longer and so they can take multiple hours to get through depending on the group you're with if you're even with one.

    Having said that, RP does come first on FRC but we all come from different backgrounds, skill levels, years of experience, etc. The only requirement to play is to be familiar with the server rules and do your best to stay in character at all times. This doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to RP 100% or even 20% of the time with others. There is nothing wrong with having an 8 charisma and being incredibly quiet, anti-social, and elusive. I think even with low charisma characters though if you happen to walk by someone you could emote something like *looks straight ahead while he walks* or something to that affect, signifying through RP the character is choosing not to engage, not that you personally are ignoring someone. This isn't a requirement just something I'm bringing up as an example. It's always good to RP your stats whatever character you choose to create but if you already only like to RP some here and there then an 8 charisma would probably work out great.

    I hope this helps. :)
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    @Maleficents_Kiss Are there any mods compatible with your server? And if so can you suggest some? I intend to play on mobile iOS. Or does your server have its own “mod pack”?
  • Maleficents_KissMaleficents_Kiss Member Posts: 36
    Here is all you'll need to know in terms of how to join the server:

    As far as mods, they should be managed to your iOS through nwsync auto magically and you shouldn't have to worry about anything else. :)
  • BalanorBalanor Member Posts: 176
    edited April 2021
    Forgotten Realms - Thay and the Underdark is pretty D&D rich. We've created the PW to match as closely to source material as NWN/balance considerations allow.

    Thay has been around since 2008, so it has grown rather large and is a well polished PW. It encompasses the entire realm of Thay and all main cities/towns/castles/ruins within it that you can find on official source maps, as well as the Underdark below. As a result we have almost 700 static areas, with hundreds more that are dynamically generated to create our overland and underland travel systems. Of the 700 static areas, around 125 are areas of adventure.

    Assassin/Rogue-types can flourish there and there are a number of guilds for them. Perhaps more importantly, if you wish to adventure alone we have a henchman system that you can use to hire a meat shield to protect you, and/or a priest to heal you if things get rough.

    We have an unlimited quest system of 11 different types of quests - from assassinations to bandit hunting to treasure hunting to "fetch me this" to "deliver this to so-and-so," among others. Our DM team is small but active and usually runs a scheduled event or two a week - and often pop on for some random fun as well.

    6. I want a challenge!! Something tough, even brutal!!
    Thay and the Underdark is certainly a challenge and as a result it is not extremely popular. However, if the above interests you, come check it out. Our PW is setup so the required custom content for it will autodownload for you when you connect.
    Thay PW Forum
    Thay PW Sourcebook
  • Maleficents_KissMaleficents_Kiss Member Posts: 36
    Heya Allanon, just wanted to follow up and if you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them.
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    @Maleficents_Kiss I like both the site you suggested and @Balanor ’s. I think ima do a super-evil Assassin in one and a Paladin in yours. Maintain the Balance. ?
  • Maleficents_KissMaleficents_Kiss Member Posts: 36
    Sounds good, have fun! :smile:
  • KrivoklatKrivoklat Member Posts: 25
    Allanon81 wrote: »
    6. I want a challenge!! Something tough, even brutal!! Unforgiving traps, a well placed dagger in the back of a Vampire.

    I think that’s a good start for me. Really getting the jones for online play. I used to play a lot of D&D online and really enjoyed the gameplay. WOW just couldn’t compete IMO. Or any fantasy online game for that matter. Peace

    Some good suggestions above. I wanted to drop a short note to address your #6.

    I have some posts in this forum regarding the Easting Reach PW server, and so I won't rehash them here, if you're interested, a simple search will find some good information posted by me as well as a few others.

    Regarding the difficulty level and the desire for "a challenge" --The Easting Reach has been an amazing challenge. The restrictions of the level 8 cap means you've basically got 3 or 4 feats to work with on MOST character builds. Their custom feats and skills are far closer to actual D&D rules than MOST game worlds, so if you're looking for an experience that is very close to D&D, the experience on The Easting Reach (IMO) is so far been the richest experience for me.

    This is also a permadeath-light server. There are conditions under which your character can be permanently killed. Beyond Level 2... if you die out in the wilds, you CAN have your character brought back by a Raise Dead spell... BUT... YOU cannot do it. you have to get the help of another player... which means if you adventure alone (something I do quite a lot on my busy a schedule) you could die out in the world... and you are kinda stuck. --In my opinion, this adds to the difficulty slider because DEATH, although not permanent, is a real pain in the a$$. Which means you MUST be conservative. Wrecklass play is a forumula for a horrible day (oh that rhymes!)

    Another very cool thing about this server is that there is no XP grind. --they have disabled ALL experience gains for creature-kills. XP is, instead, handled through exploration and through reaching certain 'checkpoints' within dungeons. --these checkpoints are represented by the phrase: "You have overcome challenges" --what does this mean? --it means you do not have to clear a room of monsters to get Max XP gain. It also means you do not go "hunting" like on just about every other server out there for your XP.

    It also means that you can't return to a location over and over and over to get XP... so there is NO circle grind here. you HAVE to go out further and deeper and explore the mod to get your XP.

    --There is bonus XP for party/group play, but you can do just as well on your own if you have a busy schedule (like I do)

    another thing is this module does not SPOON FEED you. just like in the real world, you have to search this world to find out where the dangers/dungeons are. This means exploring is a real thing. you have to explore to learn your way. --unlike other modules where if you pick a direction and just go, you usually end up running into dangerous things... on The Easting Reach, you COULD in theory pick a direction and go and never run into anything (it's unlikely, but possible) -this is not unlike the real world, where I could jump on a road and never ever get mugged or robbed or my car broken into, or experience any sort of crime. --or.. I could pick the wrong road and get stopped by thugs, mugged, get carjacked, etc..

    The Easting Reach is like this... the danger is out there for you.. but you have to read the clues, pay attention to intentionally find it... or.. read the clues and pay attention ...or accidentally find yourself in deep shit.

    oh crap, I went on and on about this server again. ok sorry I originally wanted to write a short note.

    Failed again. I do like this server. A lot. If a challenge is what you're looking for... this one is one of the most challenging. It's also one of the most beautiful servers out there, but that's yet another wall of text i've already written. ;)
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