Exporting BG2EE portraits to use in IWDEE
I want to recreate my Baldur's Gate party and play through Icewind Dale enhanced. Is it somehow possible to extract the BG2EE images (and perhaps even sound files) and use them for IWDEE? How can I do that?
Thanks a lot
I want to recreate my Baldur's Gate party and play through Icewind Dale enhanced. Is it somehow possible to extract the BG2EE images (and perhaps even sound files) and use them for IWDEE? How can I do that?
Thanks a lot
actual answer; oi
for portraits you can use EE keeper to extract your portraits from BG2 ( i believe they go to the over ride folder ) or you could go here: https://sorcerers.net/Games/IWD/index_mods.php and click on the download link for the bg1 and bg2 portraits
as for sound files you can try copy and pasting them from the sound folder by going into your game folder then language folder then language you prefer and then selecting all the appropriate sound files from 1-0 and a-z ( you might need to rename them in the IWD folder so you don't accidentally over write the originals or cause sound problems )
or if you luck out, you might find a mod or some such out there that has already done this for you
if im not mistaken i almost want to say that IWDEE suffer from that same bug, but don't quote me 100% on that, because it's been a while since i've played IWDEE
as for NPC sound sets, that is going to require more digging and customizing
if i were going to do it, i would use a program called Near Infinity and go into the wave folder and find the NPC sound sets and then export all their sounds while renaming the sound files to prevent errors
its a bit arduous of a task, but can be done
Thanks for your advice
Unfortunately the Enhanced Editions are using larger portraits than the original ones: 230x330, whereas the pictures that I could download there have a resolution of 110x172. Is it possible to somehow extract them from the Enhanced Edition game files? Same as with sound files. The sounds in the lang/<lang>/sounds directory are the ones you can choose at character creation. Is it somehow possible to extract the sound files for the companions like Jaheira and Khalid to use them, as well as their portraits, to use them in IWD? I really thought that somebody more knowledgable than I am had the same idea and did that, but I had no luck finding anything. Any advice on how to do that would be very welcome.
The issue I have with IWD is that the characters you create kinda feel soulless, there is no connection at all, just some random dudes. Having my favorite BG characters back would make IWD 100 times more enjoyable
I'd even be willing on creating such mod or extension for the IWD game (I have programming experience) but how can you mod the game and extract game files of it?
If anybody would be interested in me doing that (if it has not been done already) I would be very thankful for advice pointing in the right direction. Having the BG1 and BG2 companions available as pregenerated characters complete with portraits and sounds would be awesome in my opinion!
Thanks for your time!
They will chat & banter in most areas. There are a few others in the mods section of this forum too. In the future we may actually have interjections from BG npcs for IWD though, just as we can play the Luremaster mod in BG2 now.