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Anyone had luck with recording BGEE gameplay?

I use MSI afterburner which gives free unlimited length video capture while playing games, and it worked flawlessly with BG Tutu and BG2, but it isnt working at all for BGEE. When I start recording, the game freezes up and nothing moves but the background music keeps on playing.

Has anyone else been successful with recording the game yet?


  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    So no one else has yet been able to record BGEE gameplay as well? If anyone has, how did they do it?
  • FentonFenton Member Posts: 38
    Used Fraps and so far the raw footage is good. So far FRAPS works for it. I have yet tried XFire since XFire can't detect the game yet and add the features for it.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    too bad you have to pay for fraps.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645

    I just tried out fraps and its recording the video fine, but with no sound. Im using an ancient cracked build though. Have you tried it with the latest build and does it also record the sound? I'll buy it if anyone can confirm that its working with sound as well.
  • FentonFenton Member Posts: 38
    I do have it working with sound I just need the time with all this BG:EE gaming to get one up on Youtube. I'm using the current version I paid for. Still I am waiting on Xfire to get themselves into gear to update so that's another alternative.
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