Music Mod: does this exist?

in BG:EE Mods
Hey, all.
I was wondering if there's a mod that makes the track "Bhaalspawn Battle" from TOB play when you fight Sarevok at the end of the game. I know this might be overly specific and maybe impossible (I don't know how modding BG1 works), but I figured I might as well ask.
I was wondering if there's a mod that makes the track "Bhaalspawn Battle" from TOB play when you fight Sarevok at the end of the game. I know this might be overly specific and maybe impossible (I don't know how modding BG1 works), but I figured I might as well ask.
although what you would have to do is;
edit the SONGLIST.IDS file and give the new track a name so the game can recognize it
then you have to edit the SONGLIST.2DA file so then the game knows which track to use
then you need to export the track in a folder with the .ACMs the track has
and then you need to export the .MUS file the track is ( i'm going to guess by "exporting" that means you can just put it in the over ride folder and hope for the best )
beamdog was able to add new tracks to the game for their content, so it must be certainly doable, in fact in IWDEE the game has all the BG2 music files already in it, you just need to adjust a .ids or .2da and you are good to go
That said, if anyone else sees this thread and has a download link already, let me know.
My main concern is that the song that plays when you fight Sarevok ("The Last Battle") normally plays during many other fights. I wouldn't want Bhaalspawn Battle to play when I'm killing hobgoblins or something, but maybe it can be done.
if you use Near Infinity to mod the last battle song for the last battle, then that will not be a problem, since you have to manually open up the area itself ( AR0125 ) and change the music for that area
Oh, awesome! That actually sounds really easy, I'll give it a shot.
I cannot find either the SONGLIST.ids or SONGLIST.2da files. Help? I've kinda figured out Near Infinity, but can't change the song yet since it's not in the list.
EDIT: Just thought to say this: I dragged the song I want (vb) into both the music folder and the override folder just to be safe, and sure enough, I can play it in BG1 through Near Infinity. Just can't assign it to a map.
EDIT 2: Never mind, found em. I think it's good? I'll add a comment when I get the chance to test it.