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Mod Request: Toggle Random Encounters

EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
Just as the title says, this mod allows the in-game toggling of random encounters, such as when sleeping or traveling on the overworld. The intent for this is convenience: Some people just don't want the chance of random encounters to interrupt them since it slows their game, even with the possibility of easily saving and reloading, but do want the possibility of random encounters on their terms.

I know some mods can change the frequency of random encounters throughout the game, like changing the random encounter rate to 85% or 130% of default, but this mod would allow players to determine when random encounters happened.



  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    Probably only partly feasible.

    Tweaking random travel encounters is pretty easy; it's a matter of editing area scripts. Set the ambush areas to only spawn monsters depending on a global variable, add a mechanism to change that global in-game, and you're good. You might get empty ambushes ("waylaid" by nothing), but that's all.

    Rest spawns use a different mechanism, and I don't see any way of adjusting that in-game.
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