There was supposed to be a third expansion for NWN2

in Off-Topic
Another proud Atari moment: they greenlit a third expansion for NWN2 to be released epidodically. It would've incorporated Halruaa, the Shar, and psionics. I quit my day and moved abroad with my then-partner to commit two years to the project. Last minute, they pulled out.
Fun fact, it was placed on hold for nearly two years while Atari tried to work out some DRM scheme. By the time it was released most people moved on from NWN2 and it was cracked within a week. Then a month later Atari removed all DRM from the NWN2 games.
what happened was westgate was meant to come out around the same time as motb. but kept getting delayed due the atari wanting drm for it.
As for DRM, I wince at how many execs have failed to learn their lesson. DRM ultimately never works because they're missing one key revelation about pirates: pirates will NEVER pay for your game under any circumstances. The execs always seem to think that they're missing out on potential revenue from pirated copies, but this is actually not true. If they really can't crack your game (and no game is impossible to crack, because at some point you have to let genuine customers in, and there will always be a way to falsify that. It's just a matter of time), they will simply go play something else. You're ultimately just spending extra money on security for no extra return, and annoying your actual customers who just want to play the game without the hassle.