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Original Boots of Speed (Haste)


i lost my BG install and with it my OG boots of speed. I am talking about ones that not just increase movement speed but actually provide the haste spell

does anyone have OG boots of speed and could share them? Would be much appreciated



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    this is perhaps a mod item? as far as i recall no boots in BG1 gives you the haste spell

    in bg2 there are a pair of boots that give you an "improved version of haste" which i believe is double the speed of haste but you can neither attack or cast spells, and even then those boots aren't in the actual game and can only be summoned in via console
  • nightlessdreamsnightlessdreams Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2021
    There is a shortsword of speed in BG II. I'm not sure if there is a way to bring it to BG I.

    Importing a BG II character into a BG I multiplayer game ?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    There is a shortsword of speed in BG II. I'm not sure if there is a way to bring it to BG I.

    Importing a BG II character into a BG I multiplayer game ?

    if you want to bring that sword over to bg1 then you would need to export the .ITM file, and the .BAM files from bg2 and place it into the bg1 override folder, although the description and name will no doubt be all messed up so you would also have to edit the dialogue.tlk file to have all the proper descriptions

    other than that, you cannot bring bg2 items into bg1 unless they are already in bg1

    plus you cannot bring a bg2 character back into bg1
  • nightlessdreamsnightlessdreams Member Posts: 6
    In the Pen & Paper game "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons , 2nd Edition" the casting ( or affected ? ) character ages 1 Year .

    In real life, doing things really quick is possible, but you have to be really carefull. You probably JUST HAVE TO EAT MORE.

    Just wanted to say that.
  • ThunderburpThunderburp Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2021
    Here it is, though it is from the French version. Hopefully it works for you. Unmodded BG2 with ToB, v2.5.26498.

    BG1 boots don't use the Haste effect, at least not the latest version of the game with TotSC.

    By the way, does anyone know of a website where I can upload files without creating an account, like ZippyShare, except that the file never gets deleted?
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