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Using Hamachi

How do you use Hamachi to play Baldurs gate:EE its frustrating me, I just want to play with my friends ^^


  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    If you're both connected to Hamachi, it will show an IP address on the window if you highlight the user who's going to be the host. Enter that IP in and then you can connect to him.

    Yeah it's BS, but it "works".
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2012
    Subject: Hamachi ALMOST working - any advice?

    Like so many other players, my friend and I couldn't connect in multiplayer via the game alone - and we did what the game suggests (opened a UDP port called 47630 in our firewalls).
    Each time one of us pressed "join", the game crashed for the person pressing the button.

    What to do?
    We both downloaded Hamachi LogMeIn, I created a server on Hamachi, my friend connected to that server, and we both entered Baldur's Gate EE.
    Finally! My friend was able to join my created game on the character arbitration screen, choosing his character ... but when we tried to enter the game, he was "thrown out". His character was in the game alongside my own character (under my control), but he was disconnected.

    We tried it many times - with imported and premade characters, starting the game as administrator and normally. The result was the exact same each time.

    We both use Windows Vista, with the Windows Firewall up and Baldur's Game marked for "no blocking" by the firewall.

    None of us have much experience with the mysterious details of computers - so we're hoping someone out there might know (or have a good idea) what we can do to go that last step of the way and be able to enter the game together.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Hey Elnis, I think your post was merged into this one, read my above post. This DOES work. Trust me, I was pissed that I couldn't coop.

    You need to highlight your buddies name under Hamachi and see his virtual IP that is made for him (if he's going to host the game) and use that IP to connect to him via in-game. I hope that helps, I was extremely infuriated that I had to use 3rd party programs to play, but, we did get it to work.

    Also you'll probably have to fix your movie folders as well because when you rest in multiplayer anywhere that is "indoors" it stays permanently paused.
  • RagnarokRagnarok Member Posts: 26
    Kildor said:

    Hey Elnis, I think your post was merged into this one, read my above post. This DOES work. Trust me, I was pissed that I couldn't coop.

    If there are work around, I don't see why people are being pissed all over the board. It's but a minor setback that will be fixed with patches.

    Don't get me wrong, there are many bugs in this release and I'm looking forward to taste the end product. Unfortunately, they couldn't afford an other push back. A small team struggling with an 15 years old engine is not an easy task...
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Yea, I know what you mean, but not everyone knows about 3rd party progs. etc. and expect a game to work when they buy it.

    I'm not really "pissed" I guess, in the literal sense, cause I am a tech guy so I did the research and what have you to get it working, still is a little disappointing.
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    Hi there, Kildor - and thanks for your response!

    Nope, wasn't merged into this thread - wrote it here ;)

    Yup, we did indeed use the IP-adress of the Hamachi server when connecting - otherwise we wouldn't have been able to see eachother in the BGEE character arbitration screen ;)

    So the problem still remains the same.
    Any ideas what we could do to make it work?

    PS: Yeah, I was very disappointed as well at the multiplayer launch fiasco - not so much that they hadn't finished the option to use Beamdog to connect to achother yet - but more the fact that they didn't provide a guide on how to connect ... just writing a short sentense about something called "UDP", which a lot of people know nothing about. That just doesn't cut it, Overhaul!
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    Wait, I thought BG EE included full multiplayer support through beamdog. Why would you use hamachi?
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Elnis: Ah, yeah I figured you probably used the IP but wasn't sure. The only thing I can think of is to make sure you BOTH have the same settings, ie. having ports open on both of your routers, both connected to Hamachi (which seems like you are), maybe set the .exe to run as Admin and/or run with XP SP3 compatibility.

    Another thing I did was go into the Windows firewall and set BG.exe to both public and private, as I heard that fixed some people's problems.

    Honestly, other than that, I'm not sure what else can be done. Um, like I said, I was pretty frustrated but it only took me a few moments to get everything working on our ends.

    Gaelic: Currently there is no beamdog server integration, so you have to rely on IP address connect, but that doesn't work without the game crashing to desktop, so most of us have been using Hamachi to play.

  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2012
    Hi there, Gaelic :)

    On the multiplayer screen, under the heading "Beta", it says "BGEE supports direct IP connections only" and "In a future update, BGEE will be connected to".

    The direct IP connection didn't work - each time one of us pressed "join", the game crashed for that person.

    We tried opening a UDP port in our firewalls, as the game suggests - the game still crashed when pressing "join".

    We then tried connecting through Hamachi - there were several posts on the forum saying that it worked well.
    Hamachi DID get us a step further ... we were able to connect, selecting player characters. But, when initiating a game, the joining player was disconnected.

    So close, but ... oy weh
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Also, what version of Hamachi are you using? It might help if you're both running the latest build. I've had games in the past where some would only work with older versions etc, but in this case we are both using the most updated Hamachi client. Maybe that will help...
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    Thanks again for your input, Kildor!

    We both downloaded the newest version of Hamachi, so that can't be it, I'm afraid.
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111

    So if it's not validating an account through beamdog...doesn't that allow people to do multiplayer with a single client?
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    Hi again, Gaelic.

    I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying (I'm a computer moron, you'll have to keep the words short and pro-nounce them clear-ly)
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Damn, I'd really like to help you out (normally I'm kind of an ass, lol) because I had the same problems and I know how frustrating it can be sifting through pages online trying to see if others have had your problems and how to fix them.

    Best thing I can suggest is showing you what all we've done:

    Both current Hamachi version.
    Both have ports open for 47630 both UDP and TCP public and private.
    Both have our BG shortcut set to run as Admin and XP SP3 compatibility mode.
    Both have Windows Firewall set to Home/Work (Private) and Public. (Both boxes are checked)

    I think that's it. For what it's worth, I hope that works.
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    Thanks a lot, Kildor!

    We'll have a closer look at what you've suggested and see if there might be some detail with the firewall specifics that might be off.
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Definitely. Let me know if it works ;D

    Best of luck.
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2012
    Thanks :)

    Oh, by the way:

    I've noticed that many posts mention, that the BG ports in the firewall have to be open in both the public and the private boxes.

    However, in my firewall (Windows Vista) i don't see a public and a private box - i only see one box at each programme, and it has no designation (neither "public" nor "private")

    Did I overlook something?
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Hmm, that might because you're on Vista. I know on Win7 there's 2 boxes. That I'm not sure how that works.
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
  • MajocaMajoca Member Posts: 263
    I just dont know which Ip is the Ip I need. there a number next my name, and number next to my friends name, but online people say you need to use server IP? why does it have to be so faffy. ¬_¬
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