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dual class priest/ranger

faceless1963faceless1963 Member Posts: 143
hi everybody :) ,

please excuse my bad english :)

as seen in the character-build-menu it is possible to play an priest/ranger. i tried every race but i never can't choose this dual class; the button is always grey. does somebody know how to create this class right from the start of bg1ee?


  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    Dual Class must be human. Make a Ranger with 15 Str 15 Con and 17 Wis (minimum) then when you reach level 2 you can Dual Class.

    If you want to be a Ranger/Cleric Multiclass, only Half Elves can pull that off.
  • faceless1963faceless1963 Member Posts: 143
    thx. i found it.

    is it possible to play an archer/thief and if yes what have i to choose?
  • revaarrevaar Member Posts: 160
    Sadly, no. The only class that can Dual or Multi with Ranger is Cleric.
  • faceless1963faceless1963 Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2012
    thx again.

    last question: can you please tell me how many recruitable npc are thiefs. the answer might help me to decide if i play a thief or an ranger/priest.

  • MeyahiMeyahi Member Posts: 143
    There are a LOT of thieves in BG1. Even Imoen is a thief (starts with you and never leaves no matter what).
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    There is no need to make a thief for party play in BG1, only if you want to solo and handle traps.
  • faceless1963faceless1963 Member Posts: 143
    thx @ all.

    i have made my decision: i play a priest/ranger :)
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    That is a good allined clarics in BG1 are in short supply.
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