
Hi guys
just wondering... is anyone playing with an ATI card? Dont know about the nvidia,but anyway without v-sync setting in the option,the game makes the usual v-sync line glitch everytine the screen scroll. Has anyone tried to force v-sync from the catalist to see if that fix it? Didnt had time myself to test it,the game is just been releasead and i got extra shift to do at work

I can see dumbing down the graphics options for other platforms (i.e. it will probably be on by default on iPad / Android), but on Windows VSYNC has always been an option. And we have to contend with driver preferences that establish the system default state. ** Come on Overhaul, it's not safe to assume that a system defaults to VSYNC on in Windows!
This is a common problem because of the way Baldur's Gate exchanges the front / back buffers... adding a third buffer into the mix causes undefined results (which are effectively flickering). If you disable triple buffering it should fix the problem right up.
Hope this helps.
** I think the real solution here would be to stop using performance hacks related to manual buffer swap management, they almost certainly do nothing meaningful on modern hardware.
This issue crops up again if you use third-party overlays such as Steam, where parts of the UI that don't need to be redrawn are never marked "dirty", so you wind up seeing a flickering Steam overlay until you pull up the map.
You hear this, Overhaul?
Cheers,i'll try it tomorrow.
Shame about the nVidia cards.